Page 125 of Meant to Be


My throat burns as I gulp down drink after drink.

One step forward, three steps back. That seems to be how it is with Josie.

The music is so loud, it rattles the walls. I finish my drink and pick up my next one, having bought three at the same time. I watch the bodies move and weave against each other. I try to rid the taste of her from my mouth, but it doesn’t work. She’s intoxicating—having embedded herself into my body, mind, and soul.

When a pretty redhead saunters in my direction, I finish my drink, and leave the table. As much as I’d love to hurt Josie as much as she has hurt me, I can’t even look at another woman. She’s it for me. She always has been. My stomach feels sore and cramped from the alcohol and anxiety sizzling through my body.

The fresh air hits me with a blast as I stumble outside. I find somewhere quiet and pull out a cigarette.

When my phone rings, I wonder if it’s Josie. Disappointment sinks inside my chest when I see Brennon’s name appear on the screen. Shoving the phone back into my pocket, I continue smoking, gazing out in front of me, watching people stumble past me in gigantic heels, flashy dresses, talking, and laughing. I wish I could share their joy.

After I finish, I head into a bar and order another drink before drifting over to the pool tables. I end up playing a few rounds with some random guys. After a while, I reluctantly return to the hotel.

Not being able to get our fight off my mind, I give in and dial her number. Straight to voicemail. Groaning, I toss my phone back into my pocket, and march up to her room. I bang on the door, not caring how loud I am.

A yawning Belle opens the door, rubbing her mascara-messed eyes.


“Where is she?”

Belle shrugs. “Not here.”

Everything inside me tenses.

“What do you mean she’s not here?”

“She’s gone.”

All the air leaves my lungs. I’ve heard those words before. I can’t go through that again.

“Gone?” I whisper. Her face softens at my panic-stricken face.

“She texted me saying Sam picked her up. He’s taking her home.”

Exhaling, I feel a little less sick.Okay. That means she’s safe and she’s going home. She hasn’t fled again. Not like last time.

“Right. Okay …” I trail off. “That’s great.”

“I know,” she sighs. “What a mess.”


“You really love her, huh?”

I stiffen.Love. Of course I’ve always known that’s what this is. I’ve never experienced anything like this before. This overwhelming, soul-crushing feeling that is constantly threatening to destroy me.

“She’s my girl.”

Belle smiles sadly. “I hope it works out for you. She loves you, too. You’re meant to be.”

My heart squeezes painfully.

“Well. Thanks. Sorry I woke you.”

“S’okay,” she mumbles, sniffing, rubbing the back of her sleeve against her nose. “See you in the morning.”


The door shuts with a distinct click. Slowly, I make my way back to the room. Pushing a hand through my hair, I lean on the wall, not quite ready to deal with Brennon yet. I’ve dodged his calls and texts all night.

Exhaustion rolled through my body, but with this much on my mind, I doubt I’ll get a moment of rest. Sighing, I open the door, filling with dread.

“Where the fuck have you been?” Brennon snaps.

Exhaling, my head pounds.

Here we go.

Lauren Jackson's Novels