Page 133 of Meant to Be

Brennon scoffs, lazily casting his eyes back towards the television. “You fucking sang it from the rooftop, mate. You really don’t remember anything from last night? The thing you posted?”

Leaning forward, I dig my elbows into my thighs. “What the hell are you talking about?”

Brennon rolls his eyes. “Dude, you must have been really out of it.”

“I told you about Josie?”

Brennon slowly nods. “Not just me, champ.”

My stomach tightens painfully.

Not just me.

“I wouldn’t have told anyone about it,” I say quietly. “Not until she spoke to Nick.”

“I can’t believe you, man!” Brennon shakes his head. “You’ve been fucking Nick’s girl and didn’t even tell me!”

Anger boils inside me at his words. “Josie is notNick’s girl.”

Brennon presses his lips together to attempt to stunt the smile trying to creep across his face.

“Right. Sorry. She’s your girl, is she?”

I narrow my eyes. “What exactly happened?”

“You were saying all this stuff about how you two hooked up, and, by the way, score!” He grins, reaching over, holding his hand in the air for a high-five. “Not only did you bang the golden boy’s girl, you filmed it?”

“What thefuckare you talking about?” I growl, fists clenching.

Brennon’s eyes roll dramatically as he lowers his hand and repositions himself on the lounge.

“You filmed it and posted the video, rubbing it in Nick’s face that you sealed the deal with Princess Josephine.”

“Stop calling her that,” I snap, the skin taught and white over my knuckles. “And I don’t know if this is some sick joke, but I would never fucking do that.”

He gives me a look. “Mate. I saw you do it. With my own eyes.”

I put my hands over my face and press my fingers hard into my closed eyes. Fuck, fuck, fuck. This can’t be true. I wouldn’t ever do that. Not to anyone, but especially not her. Why would I risk everything, when I was so close to getting what I wanted?

Scrambling for my phone once more, I request a new password for my Facebook account. When I finally go through all the steps to get back in, my stomach sinks at the hundreds of notifications blowing up my feed.

I quickly bring the post up and I feel the colour drain from my face.

“What the fuck …” I whisper. “Someone filmed this?”

“Well. I set it up.” Brennon says and instantly raises his hands when he sees my face. “With the intention of filming Elise and myself, not you. I had no idea you were fuck—I mean,withJosephine,” he quickly amends when he sees my hand ball into a fist. “But you’re the one who posted it. Not me.”

“I would never,everdo that.”

“You did.”

“And why the fuck were you planning to film yourself with Elise? Were you even going to tell her?”

Brennon shrugged. “Sure. Before it was going to happen. But things changed after I went downstairs. I actually hooked up with Rianna. We went to go into the spare room but it was locked. Never had a clue it was you, until we got back here.”

Sighing, I tilt my head back and look up at the ceiling, trying to get my jumbled thoughts to make sense. This can’t be true. It simply can’t be.

I press call on Josie’s contact.

Lauren Jackson's Novels