Page 136 of Meant to Be

“I have that thing. Remember?”

“What thing?”

I finish chewing and take a sip of my drink before answering.

“I have my practical assessment. I’m heading there on Friday. I told you, didn’t I?”

Harley pouts and I smile behind my hand. He looks terribly cute when he does that.

“I can’t go that long.”

“What do you mean?”

“Without seeing you.” He shrugs, taking a massive bite of his burger. Sauce dribbles down his chin. “So, no, you can’t go.”

I laugh. “It’s only a couple of days.”

Harley has been staying every night, since he isn’t on speaking terms with Brennon.

“A couple hours are too long,” he replies with a serious face, but his smile is playful. The funny thing is—well, it’s not funny at all, really—is that this was how Elliot acted, but instead of it being a joke, it was serious.

“I’m sure you’ll survive.” I tease. “Is Brennon still calling you nonstop?”


“Have you spoke to him?”


I sort of feel bad coming between two best friends, but Brennon did this to himself. He destroyed my life and I will never be able to forgive him for it, although in a way, I deserved it. I deserved everything he threw at me. Because I was a cheater and a liar. And honestly? If I can’t forgive Brennon for the things he has done, how can I forgive myself?

My mind has been constantly looping since our conversation, wondering how different my life would be if that video was never created and leaked. I wouldn’t have run away like I did. I wouldn’t have met Elliot. Things would be so different.

“Wait, so not even when you go back to get your stuff?”

“I go when he’s not there. I know his schedule,” Harley points out.

“I’m sorry,” I say, ducking my chin.

“Hey.” He leans over, pressing his finger under my chin, forcing me to meet his gaze. “You don’t have anything to be sorry about.”

My heart squeezes. Harley has such a kind, soft side to him that no one has ever got to see before. In a way, it’s sort of devastating.

We finish our lunch and I head back inside. I have two more patients before I head home for the day. I stay back and help Belle shut down before we say goodbye.

I stop at the supermarket on the way home and get supplies. As I’m standing in line, Jess wanders up beside me.

“Hey,” I say quietly.

She looks over. “Hey.”

“I’m really sorry. About everything that happened on the trip. And everything before it.” I run a hand over my face. “It was really shitty of me.”

“Yeah,” she replies. “It was.” She steps in front of me, cutting me off, and places her items on the conveyor belt. “I’m just glad he’s finally done with you. You’ve put him through more heartbreak than anyone deserves.”

I feel like I’ve been sucker punched. Pressing my lips together, I step back from her and don’t say another word. She’s right. Everything she said is right.

When I get into my car, I’m taking the familiar route to Nick’s house, without realising what I was doing. When I stop at the driveway, I feel drained and a headache is starting to form. I step outside and walk down the side of the house, hoping that I don’t run into any of Nick’s family.

Lauren Jackson's Novels