Page 154 of Meant to Be


“Holy … shit.”

“What?” I ask innocently.

“You look …” Harley blinks, eyes ravishing me. “Very beautiful.”

“Really?” I smile, looking down at the dress.

It’s a deep navy floor-length dress that is cinched at the waist and low-cut in the chest. I’ve paired it with dangly silver earrings and a pair of jewelled stilettos. Even with these gigantic shoes, I still only come to chin-height on Harley.

“Yes.” He nods appreciatively.

Harley is in a dark suit with a navy long-sleeved top underneath, matching my dress. He looks devastatingly handsome. It’s still so startling to see him dressed up like this and not in his usual black tee and ripped jeans. I love both looks, though. I don’t think Harley could look unattractive if he tried.

It’s been a week since the city trip and if I thought the high from being away together was going to fade, I thought wrong.

As much as I am loving how good things are going, I’m a little scared. Life has never been so good and I’m terrified something is going to ruin it.

Tonight, there is a Casino Night taking place at the town hall, as a fundraiser for the town. It’s one of the biggest events of the year, as many bordering towns come over to support and celebrate.

The car park is full and people are milling outside of the hall when we arrive, some gathered in small groups. I don’t recognise any faces for the first five minutes. Loud jazz music blares from the speakers. I survey the fancy flashing lights that have been strewn across the entryway. There’s a water fountain display off to the side and an elegant tower of wine glasses perched on top of a table with pearl décor. Every year the town tries their best to make this event as high-class as possible and this year, it looks like they’ve succeeded.

Heads turn our way as we walk inside. Harley’s hand finds the small of my back as we hand over our tickets.

Annabeth, Nick’s mother, is the one sitting at the table alongside another woman who I’ve met before but can’t recall her name. Her green eyes narrow at me before flitting to Harley. None of us say a word to each other.

Harley dips his chin, eyes meeting mine, then kissing me softly. I exhale, not realising how tightly I had grabbed his hand. This whole place makes me nauseatingly anxious.

“It’s going to be fine,” he says.

I’ve been dreading seeing Nick and the rest of the group. I imagine news about Harley and I has spread through the town by now. Eyes follow us as we walk inside. I don’t know what they would be more shocked about—me having forgiven Harley and that we are here together, or the fact that Harley Caldwell is in a suit. Probably a combination of both.

Rows and rows of tables are plastered around the hall, with men and women in black suits behind them. Ladies in stunning gowns and men in fitted suits mill around, glasses of champagne in their hand, purses or wallets in the other.

Harley and I wander towards the bar and both get drinks. I take a generous gulp of mine and Harley flashes me a grin.

“Want to play some blackjack?”

“Sure,” I reply.

We move towards one of the blackjack tables that doesn’t have all the seats taken. I slide into the high chair and Harley does the same beside me. A young-looking man with rosy cheeks and messy brown curls smiles at us.

“Good evening,” he greets politely.

We stay at this table for a few rounds. I feel safe and out of the way here, but I know we can’t hide here all night. After winning forty dollars, I leave the table with a satisfied smile.

Harley and I take our time roaming around the hall, then circle back to the bar for a refill.

“I’m going to the ladies quickly,” I say.

Harley’s eyes flash before he smirks, leaning in. “You need company?”

My pulse jumps as heat splashes across my cheeks. I wonder if there will ever be a time that my stomach won’t flip-flop when he smiles at me like that.

“I wouldn’t want to ruin my dress.”

“I can be very gentle,” he assures me, grinning wickedly. “I can’t say the same about your panties, though.”

Lauren Jackson's Novels