Page 159 of Meant to Be

I don’t feel like I’ve breathed properly for a full minute until I stumble through the door and inhale a lungful of the night air.

“Jesus Christ,” Harley explodes. “Is she talking about Elliot?”

I rake my hands through my hair, forgetting about how much effort went into styling it. The text he sent flashes before my eyes.

See you soon, Josie.

I blocked his number after that. I should have long before it.

“Who else would it be?”

Harley pulls me towards him. “It’s been a couple weeks since we’ve been back. Nothing has happened. I’m sure it was nothing.”

My breath is shaky and I nod. “Yeah … I hope so.”

His nose grazes mine. “I won’t let anything happen to you. We’re together every night. You’re safe.”

I lean up and kiss him. My body relaxes at the feel of his warm, soft lips.

“Thank you.”

“It’s what I’m here for.” He smiles. “Smoke?”


He pulls out a cigarette and offers me the first puff. We’re mostly quiet as we share the cigarette. My racing heart finally slows, and I feel my tense muscles unwind. I’m sure it’s nothing. Elliot has impulse issues; if he knew where I was, I’d be aware of it by now.

“Are we really going to look for Nick?” Harley side-eyes me, taking one final drag before dropping the cigarette to the floor and stepping on it. He picks it up and throws it into the closest bin. Under the moonlight, his eyes have a silvery tint to them. The pale light highlights his high cheekbones and dark hair.

I give him a deadpan stare. “Yes.”

“We are both over the limit.”

“Oh shit,” I curse, looking over at Harley’s truck sitting in the carpark. “I sort of forgot about that fact.”

“Yeah.” He laughs. “We can check out some places in town on the walk home? See if he is there?”

“That sounds good.”

I briefly glance at my tall heels and wonder how much pain I’ll be in by the time we get home. Bending at the knees, I go to unbuckle the strap and flinch as a memory hits me. I got good at enduring long hours in heels when I was out with Elliot. I once took my shoes off and got a slap in the face for it.

A shiver rolls down my spine at the memory. I wonder if I will ever not have PTSD from the things he did to me. Deciding to leave the shoes on for now, I slide my hand into Harley’s.

“Leaving so early?” a voice floats through the darkness.

We turn to see Brennon leaning against a car. He’s dressed in all-black, his hands dug deep into his pockets.

Straightening my spine, I stare directly at him. Harley tenses beside me, his grip tightening on my hand.

“Come on, let’s go,” he says, turning to leave.

“Aw, now that you two have finally made it official, you don’t have time for Brennon anymore?” His words slur together and he shakes his head, as if clearing his vision. “Only your best mate offourteen years.”

“You know very well why I don’t havetimefor you,” Harley bites out, his jaw ticking furiously.

“You’re going to throw away fourteen years of friendship? After everything I have done for you, for this fucking piece of trash?” he spits, jutting his chin towards me. My stomach tightens uncomfortably at his insult.

Harley yanks his hand from mine and strides towards Brennon.

Lauren Jackson's Novels