Page 163 of Meant to Be


Isay nothing.

I’m too terrified to utter a word. Every part of my body trembles as I blink up at the man I ran away from all those months ago. He tilts his head to the side, his dark eyes narrowing.

“No?” he presses.

My heart slams so hard into my ribcage, I fear it’ll bruise. Swallowing, I finally manage to choke out words.

“What the hell are you doing here?”

“I’ve been searching for you for months. Didn’t you get my voicemails?”

Oh, I got them all right.

“Couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw you out a few weeks ago. It took everything inside me not to throw you over my shoulder and leave with you.” He leans back on the kitchen bench, crossing his ankles. “I asked a lovely girl for some details about you. She sold you out without a second thought.” He peers out the window, using two fingers to part the blinds before letting them snap shut again. “Charming little town this is. Everyone is so trusting.” He smiles. A cruel, cold smile. “Like old chap over there.”

He dips his chin towards the other end of the small house and I quickly turn, seeing Nick tied to a chair. Blood streaks down his face and his head is hanging forward, as if he’s lost consciousness. Duct tape covers his mouth, and his arms are restrained behind him.

“Nick!” I sob, a tear running down my cheek. I scramble to my feet, only to fall back down, my knee colliding with the floor. Pain skitters up my leg and my ankle throbs.

“Aw.” Elliot smiles sadly. “You’ve hurt yourself.”

“What the hell are you doing, Elliot?” I hiss. “What the fuck is going through your head?”

His gaze sinks low over me and my insides curl. Bitterness spreads through me like poison. I hate this man with every fibre of my being.

“You look ravishing, by the way.”

The weariness I felt moments ago has vanished, replaced with spine-tingling adrenaline.

Thud, thud, thud. It’s difficult to hear anything over my heavy heartbeat.

“Originally, I wanted to take you back home. Show you that it’s me that you want. But I couldn’t get past the fury I felt when I saw you again. Youleft. No one leaves Elliot Dawson and gets away with it.”

“Do you hear yourself?” I seethe, my breath coming out in short, fast bursts. “You are psychotic!”

“You say psychotic. I say devoted.”

“That’s a twisted way to look at it.”

Pushing his tongue into his cheek, he smiles. “Tell me, Josie, what sort of trouble have you gotten yourself into? See, Nick here, the one that sent you those messages that time—isn’t he the old boyfriend? The one you were with the night of the club? I saw you run out after him. I thought you must have been having a lover’s quarrel.” He frowns. “I went to a lot of trouble to detain him, you know, only to find outheisn’t theright one.” His eyes land on Harley.

Rain batters against the window, and the wind howls outside. It hasn’t rained since I’ve been back. A loud crack of thunder booms outside and I cringe. Pushing to my knees, I start to crawl to Harley.

“Uh, uh!” Elliot’s voice is sharp. My heart sinks when I see a gun pointed at me.

Trembling, I sit back.

“Where the hell did you get that?” I whisper.

“I bought it.”


“Is this really what you want to be discussing right now?” he asks, lowering to a squat so that we are eye level. He’s so close that his familiar scent washes over me. Clean and crisp. His eyes are darker than the night sky.

Gritting my teeth, I glare at the front door. Elliot’s cold fingers slam into my chin, forcing my gaze to his.

Lauren Jackson's Novels