Page 168 of Meant to Be


Nine Days Later

After Brennon’s funeral, the whole town gathered in the hall for the wake. As much of a terrible person I thought he was, he saved my life that night. Harley and Nick’s too. Elliot is completely unhinged—I don’t think any of us were going to walk out alive if Brennon hadn’t broken into the house when he did.

Not many people know what really happened, but I made sure to stand up and tell everyone Brennon saved all of us that night, and that act of heroism won’t be forgotten anytime soon.

I rub circles over Harley’s back. He’s taken this hard, considering the two weren’t on speaking terms and that the last time he spoke to him, he sent a fist into his face. He stayed at the apartment they shared for a week before he returned to me. I missed him terribly while he was away. I had gotten so used to falling asleep beside each other, in the other’s arms. But he needed space and time to process everything that happened.

He packed up Brennon’s things and took them to his family before Harley put anything that didn’t fit in my place into temporary storage until we move.

“He was my best mate,” Harley murmurs, leaning forward, pressing his elbows into his thighs. “Took me in so many times when I couldn’t be at home. I don’t condone anything that he did to you—I will never be able to let that go—but I wish …” He exhales. “I wish things had been different.”

“I know, baby,” I whisper. “Me too.”

Harley looks haggard. He has a few days old stubble, and his hair is messy, but he still looks perfect to me. Dark circles hang under his eyes, and he rubs his face.

People move around the room, every so often coming up to us and expressing their condolences. I nod thanks for both of us, as Harley barely lifts his head the entire time we are at the hall.

A heavy sadness has settled behind those pretty eyes of his and I don’t think it will be lifting any time soon. I can’t even imagine the thoughts and feelings that would be whirling inside him right now.

We exchange a soft kiss.

“Let’s get out of here.”

Sniffling, he nods. “That sounds good.”

The fresh air feels refreshing on my skin. It would be nice to walk all the way home, but my ankle is still too sore.

We drive in a comfortable silence. It’s nice knowing we have each other to lean on. I still wake up in fits of nightmares, and Harley hasn’t had much luck sleeping either. But knowing we have each other makes everything seem that bit better.

“Let’s camp out at the dam tonight,” he suddenly says.

We haven’t been out to the dam since … four years ago, when we used to sneak out there together and lay under the stars.

We shower and sleep the afternoon away, both of us exhausted and drained from the day. At about six, we pack a bag and throw some blankets into the back of my car, before we take the short trip out to the dam.

I place the blanket down and spread the pillows out. Harley lays down and I curl into his side, pressing my head into his chest, finally feeling peaceful.

Lauren Jackson's Novels