Page 170 of Meant to Be


Two Months Later

Warm, golden lights are strung across the roof of my family home. Soft music is playing in the background, and due to some recent fan purchases—courtesy of Mum—the house isn’t as unbearably hot as it usually is.

I’m dressed in a simple pale blue strapless dress that stops mid-thigh. My long hair hangs loosely down my shoulders. I touch the bracelet on my wrist, the H & J engraving winkling underneath the lights. I smile, running my thumb over it. It sits next to my bracelet that Elise got for me.

I take a seat at the table. It’s a farewell dinner for Harley and me, while simultaneously, our parents meet Sam’s boyfriend for the first time. He finally came out to them about a month or so ago, and Mum thought this was a nice time for all of us to be together before I move away.

A warm hand slips across my thigh and I turn, seeing Harley’s handsome face smiling back at me.

“Are you going to use that?” he asks, pointing to the pepper. Shaking my head, I pass it to him. He squeezes my thigh,before gently releasing it.

“So, Kaleb, what do you do for work?” Mum asks.

Kaleb is a tall guy—almost as tall as Harley—with soft golden locks and gentle brown eyes. He’s clad in a neat button-down top and dark-wash jeans. I noticed he also wore dress shoes and they squeak with each step he makes. His cheeks are touched with a hue of pink, broadcasting how nervous he is to be here.

My father, quite possibly the most opinionated man on the planet, took a while to wrap his head around the whole thing, but after my near-death experience, I honestly think he has taken a step back from things and has started to reconsider how he looks at life. Or maybe he realises that this life is short and he may as well use his time wisely. That’s how I feel, anyway.

“I’m in accounting,” he answers. “I work for my father.”

“How lovely.” Mum nods, reaching for the potatoes. “Do you enjoy it?”

“Yeah. It’s good.” He smiles shyly.

He hasn’t told the parents yet, but Sam and Kaleb are going to be moving into my little house once I’ve gone. They’ve already signed the lease. I think Sam has been a little nervous about how Dad will go with dinner, let alone announcing that they are going to be living together. One step at a time.

“So, uh, where are you moving to?” Kaleb asks. Utensils scrape across plates and people murmur around the table. The music is calming, and I smile around at my family.

“A tiny little beach town called Kirra Bay,” I reply as I continue to load up my plate. I pass the tongs to Sam. “It’s about a nine-hour drive from here.”

“Wow, that’s a big move.”

“We’re excited for a change,” I say. “I’ve only ever lived here and in the city, so it will be nice to experience something new. My friend who I work with is travelling to a town about an hour away from there, so it’ll be great having someone I know semi-close.”

“I’m planning to surf every day, once I know how,” Harley interjects. “See if I can get this one out on the board.”

I scoff. “I’ll shred you any day.”

“If you say so.” Harley rolls his eyes. To be fair, Harley is naturally good at everything he does; he will pick up the sport in no time. He’s closed the door on bull riding for good, and is keen to try something else. I think it will be a great new start for us both.

“You can teach me when I come to visit.” Sam grins, swiping the saltshaker just as I reach for it, causing my hand to close around air. “And then we will see who the real shredder is.”

“Uh huh.” I nod seriously. “Totally.”

“Your place is close to the water?” Dad asks.

“Yeah, about …?” I look at Harley for guidance.

“About a two-minute walk, or so it says on the property description,” Harley finishes. We have been on the phone nonstop with the property manager and employers for the jobs we’ve applied for. It’s finally all clicking into place now.

“Wow,” he comments. “Imagine that.”

“I can’t.” I laugh. “It’s going to be incredible.”

Mum raises her glass, her red wine sloshing dangerously close to the sides.

“To change and all the exciting opportunities that lie ahead.” She smiles.

We each raise our own glasses and clink them together.

“Amen,” Sam chirps.

Lauren Jackson's Novels