Page 25 of Meant to Be


There’s a pause,as if Nick is waiting for me to elaborate but I don’t.

He swings the bag onto the counter, the delicious smell of food wafting towards me.

“Smells great!”

“Also,” he says, producing a bottle from the bag. “I brought wine.”

“You know me so well.” I grin.

As soon as the words leave my lips, I regret them. Nick meets my eyes, and I dart away, trying to remember what cabinet I put glasses in. I pour us two very large glasses; Nick raises an eyebrow but doesn’t comment.

We dish out our plates, and since I don’t have the space for a dining table, we move to the lounge. I fold my legs beneath me, feeling oddly unsettled as I try to limit how much I fidget.

“I got a job.”

“You did?” There’s a hint of surprise in his voice. “Where?”

“Danny’s Dental.”

“That’s great, Josie. Does that mean you’re planning to stick around for a while?”

I stuff my mouth full, so I can take more time to answer. “Maybe.”

I feel nauseous at the thought of packing and moving again. Starting all over again. The last experience aged me a lifetime. I’d gladly do it to be away from here, but the whole experience is exhausting.

My hair sticks to my forehead, and I sweep it back. When I stand, I feel my shirt sticking to my skin. I bought several fans, scattering them through the small place. I turn on a couple, pleading for them to cool the place down. The candles are making it worse, but at least the place smells nice.

“I can’t handle this heat,” I groan. “It’s disgusting.”

Nick smiles. “You get used to it.”

I shake my head, frowning. “Nope. Never did.”

I settle back down beside him and finish eating. Nick reaches over, and I flinch at the quick movement. He pauses, eyebrows drawing together, and takes my empty bowl, placing it on the coffee table at our feet. I exhale a shaky breath, flattening my fingers onto my thighs.

“Are you seeing Jess?”

He blanches at my words. I lean back into the lounge, staring at him. I know I’ve made him uncomfortable, but I don’t look away.

He sighs. “How …? Never mind. No. Maybe. Sort of.”


“I don’t know.” He exhales, raking a hand through his hair. “She’s been interested in me for a while. I know that. We went out for dinner a few times.”

“Do you like her?”

“Sure. She’s nice.”

“Nice is boring.” I smirk.

He shakes his head, smiling. “Is it? Am I boring?”

“No, Nicky. Not you.” I smile. “Have you kissed her?”

“Josie!” he exclaims, flushing, as if we were twelve years old again.

Lauren Jackson's Novels