Page 27 of Meant to Be

“Remember when we used to go down to the lake?” he asks, and I glance at him, seeing how carefree his face is. “The whole gang was there. We’d been down there for hours.”

I nod. That was our main hangout spot. “Yeah. That was fun.”

“Maybe we could organise a day down there.”


“Who would you want me to invite?” he asks. Our hands touch, and he captures mine in his. It’s big and warm, easily enveloping mine.

Memories of us flash through my mind. Me, Elise, Eric, John. My best friends. Strangers now.

“No one,” I tease, trying to keep my voice light even though my entire body aches when I think about their smiles, their laughter, and everything we once shared.

“Did you keep in touch with anyone?” he asks, ignoring my comment.


“Not one person?”

“No, Nick. No one.”

Elliot made sure of that.

When I think back on it, I can’t believe how much control I let him have over me.

A mixture of emotions flashes across his face. I know he has a lot he wants to say, but he doesn’t. A slightly uncomfortable silence settles between us. I can practically hear the gears of his mind turning long.

“You were seeing someone in the city?” he asks eventually.

A rush of cold floods my veins. The person I’ve been trying so hard not to think about since I got back here.


“It didn’t work out?”


The conversation falls flat because I let it. I don’t want to talk about Elliot, or the life I lived with him. I was in a bad place. Even though I hate it here, it’s not like how things were in the city. I might have had the glamour and the picture-perfect life, but behind closed doors, it was anything but.

If I stay, and do all the things I was meant to do all those years ago, I could be happy again. I could live this life. Settle down with Nick. Have kids. Reignite old friendships. It would be better than when I was away.

But would it be enough?

“Are you okay? With how everything ended?” The deep hum of his voice draws me from my thoughts.

“No,” I say softly. “But I will be.”

He removes his hand from mine and gently rubs circles on my back as we walk. Guilt grips my stomach. I’m being selfish. Fern Grove is Nick’s home. He won’t leave, and I don’t know if I plan to stay.

And yet when he turns, facing me, I don’t stop him from leaning down and kissing me. It’s warm and nice, reminding me of the only thing I truly enjoyed growing up here.BeforeCyclone Harley took over and destroyed everything in his path.

Nick walks me back to my place. He touches my shoulder gently, and I hate how much of a brotherly gesture it is.

We say goodbye, and I watch Nick leave, a strange, restless feeling settling over me. I put the leftovers in the fridge and clean up.

I’m not used to this. This quiet life of dinner and walks. Shops being shut at 8:00 PM. Everyone settled in their houses by 9:00 PM.

Sliding on my boots, I fling my bag over my shoulder and stride downtown. It doesn’t take me long to get to the local pub. There’re a few stragglers inside. I hear whoops from the pokies room, and see a few men sitting in the TAB area. They all turn to stare when I enter. I’m the only female here, including the staff.

Lauren Jackson's Novels