Page 39 of Meant to Be


Being back here, at the rodeo, is making me feel agitated.

My heart pangs in envy seeing Sam Mayor absolutely killing it out there, just like I used to, no fear weighing him down. Nothing holding him back. He truly enjoys the sport. More than I ever did.

“Princess Josie scrubs up all right.” Brennon turns to me the moment Belle leaves his side. I could tell her reappearance rattled him. “You didn’t tell me she was back.”

“She’s back.”

“I see that, asshole.”

I push back from the railing and glance around, scanning the crowd to see if I can spot her. She’s impossible to miss.

“How do you feel, man?” Brennon asks, and if his gaze were a laser, I’d be disintegrated into dust by now.

“What do you mean?” I ask in the most nonchalant voice I can muster. I continue to glance around us before giving up. I don’t know what I plan to do if I saw her again. She’s here with Nick.

“Cut the bullshit,” Brennon scoffs, rolling his eyes so hard that they might disappear into the back of his head. “I know you’re hard for that bitch. Despite what you did.”

I whip my head to face him, and his face grows slack for a moment. He holds up his hands.

“Woah, hey there, killer. I’m only stating the truth.”

“Fuck off.”

“Yeah, think I will,” Brennon growls, throwing me a glare. “You’re a fucking bore these days anyway.”

My nails bite into my flesh as I fist my hands. Brennon stalks away from me. He finishes his can before tossing it to the ground and disappearing from view.


“Hey, handsome,” a familiar voice greets me, and I try not to show my annoyance as Louise sidles up to me. I instantly feel terrible when I see her kind smile. “How are you?”


“What are you up to? Any plans now that the rodeo is finished?” she asks, giving me a flirtatious smile.

“I’m pretty tired,” I say. “Maybe another time.”

Her lips spread into a thin line before she suddenly smiles. “Sure. Of course. See you later.”

I walk away, pulling out a cigarette. I lean against the fence and watch everyone stroll by. My heart lurches when I see Josie and Nick walking towards the exit.

Seeing them together makes my blood boil. She is kidding herself if she thinks she can waltz back into town and go back to how things were. Before everything got messy and fucked up. It doesn’t work like that. It’s not fuckingfair.

I take my time finishing my cigarette, waiting for the crowd to disperse, before making my way to my truck. I’ve unlocked it and have my fingers curling around the handle when suddenly a hand shoves my head, slamming me into the window. A sharp pain explodes across my forehead, and I curse, stumbling.

“Hey, you piece of shit,” the voice that plagues my nightmares grunts. “You got money on you?”

Throwing my elbow back, I hit him hard, a satisfying crunch filling my ears.

“If I did, I wouldn’t give any to you, you slimy bastard,” I spit at him with more venom than a king brown snake.

“Hey!” a man yells out, jogging over to us. “What the hell is going on here?”

“Nothing,” I growl, sending a glare to the motherfucker who just laid hands on me before climbing into my car.

I need to get the hell out of this place. But first, I need Josie.

Lauren Jackson's Novels