Page 41 of Meant to Be

Loud revving of an engine pulls me from my thoughts, and soon, we aren’t alone. There is loud hollering and deep, male laughter as a black truck pulls up.

I swallow a lump in my throat when the boys get out of the car.

“Damnnnn,” Brennon yells out obnoxiously, wolf-whistling at Elise, who is striding towards us, water glistening on her silky skin, as if she’s just walked out of a swimsuit commercial.

Brennon is a complete ass-hat, but the whole school knows he has a soft spot for Elise. Everyone does. She’s perfect.

“You’re not welcome here, boys,” Eric says in a voice deeper than his naturally is. “Move along. We don’t want any trouble.”

Brennon’s face splits into a sadistic grin. “This is a pretty big place, Eric. Can’t we share?”

Nick’s gaze meets mine awkwardly, and I burn in embarrassment. I turn and meet the icy eyes of Harley Caldwell. He’s watching me as he leans against the truck, one leg resting on the step up, chewing the nail bed of his thumb. His gaze travels across my body, from my toes to my eyes once more. The corner of his mouth twitches, his lip ring tilting with the movement.

“Looking good, Josie.” Harley bites his lip softly, and I can’t look away from it. A deep flush ignites over my body. No one calls me that.Josie. I like it.

Nick appears at my side, his shoulder bumping into mine.

“Beat it, Harley,” Nick snaps.

Harley pushes off the truck and strolls over to us.

“How about we stay, and you go?” he drawls, tilting his head to the side as he eyes Nick, definitely not wearing the expression he wore when looking at me. His blue orbs flicker to me once more. “Except you, sweetheart. You can stay as long as you’d like.”

Nick lets out a soft growl at Harley’s words. My heart catapults into my stomach. Harley’s tongue snakes out, running over his lip ring. My mouth feels unusually dry as I watch his movements, and I’m embarrassed to admit I’m a little mesmerised by them.

Nick’s fingers wrap around my arm, and he pulls me after him, swooping down and grabbing my towel. The boys mumble and complain but don’t further protest about Harley and the others.

They’re dangerous boys with a wild reputation. There are rumours that Harley and Brennon made a group of guys jump off the cliffs naked and then stole their clothes. They boasted about it later on Snapchat as they lit the clothes on fire. Nick and my other friends know better than to get mixed up with them.

Everyone piles into the car. I hover near the door, waiting my turn. I look over at the boys who are laughing and pointing at us retreating. I shift my gaze to Harley, who raises his hand, giving me a brief wave.

“See you soon, Josie.” He smiles. “Real soon.”

Lauren Jackson's Novels