Page 50 of Meant to Be

* * *

The next morning, I wake heavy and slow, feeling like I delved through years of emotional trauma in one day, and my body hasn’t recovered.

My scrubs arrived—I had to pay an extremely ridiculous price for them to be express posted—and I slide my lilac set on. I twist my hair into a low bun, loose strands framing my face.

I spent a good minute washing my eyes as they still felt sore and a little crusty from all the crying. When I walk into the café twenty minutes later, it feels like every head turns my way, but I’m too weary to enjoy the attention. I order myself an extra-large coffee, hoping it’ll kick the tiredness out of my system.

“Wow, nice outfit,” Joanne compliments with a curved, unplucked eyebrow. “Where are you working?”

“Danny’s Dental,” I answer.

“Oh.” She nods, clearly trying to figure out what I actually do there.

I’m ten minutes early when I arrive, having beaten both Belle and Danny. I realise then that I don’t have a key, so I sit out the front and sip my coffee while I wait.

Fern Grove is a quiet town, and it’s sleepy this time of the morning. Very unlike the city, which seems to never sleep.

The front door of the surgery swings open with a loud creak.

“Hiya,” Belle greets me with a grin, her dark cat-eyes pushed into her hair, her glittery keys in her hand. “We come in through the back. I’ll show you where to park.”

Belle and Danny move about at a leisurely pace, and I have to remind myself it’s a completely different atmosphere here.

I only have a couple of patients, and I panic when I first look at the schedule, wondering how I’ll fill the rest of my day. I’m used to working in a place where you have deadlines and targets to meet. I know it won’t be like that here, but it’s difficult to rewire my brain.

I only have clean, and they are all with elderly patients who either don’t know me or don’t know of my past, which is a relief. In between my patients, I tidy the surgery and organise the stock. I lose track of time and only realise it’s the end of the day when I see Belle shutting down.

We say goodbye, the two both offering me a lift, but I dismiss them. I enjoy the walk home after work. It helps me unwind. Although the air is too humid to feel very fresh out here, it’s still a little relaxing spending some time outdoors after being cooped inside all day.

I don’t turn to acknowledge him when Harley’s truck idles beside me. It was a peaceful walk until now.

“Want a lift?”


“You sure?”


Suddenly, the car has stopped, and he is outside of it. I keep walking, but he moves in front of me.


“What, Harley?” I snap at him. “What’s your problem?”

“You look nice,” he blurts, taking in my attire. “First day?”


“How was it?”

“What do you want, Harley?” I ask, exhaling.

His tongue runs over his lip piercing, and I can’t help but stare. His eyes swivel to mine, and in the harsh light of the day, they’re a brutal blue.

“Look,” he starts. “I want to say thank you for the other night. You didn’t need to step in and help, especially after everything …” There is a thick silence between us, and he clears his throat. “And I didn’t know that you didn’t know … about …”

“It’s fine.”

Lauren Jackson's Novels