Page 62 of Meant to Be

“Yes,” I lie.

“Uh huh.”

Scowling, I reach into his bag and have a drink before shoving it back in. We move to the fence, and Sam instructs me on what he needs me to do and hold. I nod and do as he says. Within minutes, sweat dots my upper lip and drips into my eyes.

It takes two hours to fix all the fences, there being more damage than Sam initially realised.

“Thanks,” he says as he puts all his tools back into his bag. “Let’s go to the creek. I’m dying for a swim.”

Climbing back onto the horses, we make the trek to the other side of the property, where the creek runs. We remove the saddles, and Sam hoists me onto Jamaica while he uses a rock to help him mount his own horse. I charge into the creek, and water splashes up my horse’s neck, hitting my face.

I laugh as we move deeper into the water. Sam and I play tips, racing in and out of the water, the horses loving it just as much as us. I haven’t had this much fun in years.

We lay in the sun to dry after we retire back to the bank.

“Thanks for coming with me today. I appreciate it.”

I turn my head. My brother has his arm over his eyes, covering them from the sun.

“No problem. It was fun.”

“Even though you went ass over?” He snorts.

I give him the finger before pushing to my feet. “We’re not mentioning that again. I’m starving. Want to head back?”

We remount and start the trek back to the house. This time, we walk. Jamaica stretches his neck out long as he sniffs the ground, trying to sneak in bits of grass when he thinks I’m not paying attention. Sam’s flannel is tied around my waist and my hair drips onto my singlet.

The soft leather of the saddle squeaks with the movement of Jamaica’s strides. I lean forward, smiling, the scent reminding me of my childhood.

“You say you hate it here,” Sam murmurs. “Do you mean the place or the people?”

I consider his words for a moment. “Both. I hate the heat and the claustrophobic feeling that plagues me when I’m here. But yes, also the people.” I exhale. “Maybe this town hatesme.”

“You think you don’t belong, but have you ever really tried?”

I glance at him, but he’s gazing out over his horse’s ears, looking thoughtful.

“I spent my entire life trying.”

“Did you?” he asks.

He meets my eyes, and I look away. “I thought I did.”

Seeing this serious side of my brother is unnerving. He’s grown up a lot since I was here last.

“Don’t make the mistakes you did last time.”

Twisting my lips, I nod. “I know.”

“I hope so.” He leans over and lightly punches my arm. “Come on, last one to the stables has to wash up lunch.”

His horse gallops forward, and my horse lurches to follow. I lean forward and try to catch him, but he is much more confident and experienced than I am, beating me easily.

I’m tired, sore, and famished by the time we get inside. I rub my eyes and feel the dirt smear across my cheeks.

“Goodness, I haven’t seen you dressed like that for a long time.” Mum smiles. “How was it?”

“Good! It was … kind of … fun?”

Lauren Jackson's Novels