Page 66 of Meant to Be


Today has been one of the hottest days of the year. Sweat has soaked through my hair so much, it looks like I’ve stepped out of the shower. I dig the shovel hard into the ground, a recently healed cut splitting open on impact. I wince as the blood mingles with the dirt on my hand before dripping onto the ground.

“Hey,” one of the guys says, noticing the blood. “You really need to take a break, man. It’s scorching today.”

Swallowing, I glance at the break room, seeing my father’s old ute there.

“I’m all right,” I reply.

Joe’s gaze follows mine, and his eyes soften in understanding.

“Come on, mate. No one cares your old man is there.”

A dry laugh bubbles out of my mouth. “I care.”

Nodding, he goes to walk away, but hesitates.

“Fuck it,” he grumbles. “I’m insisting. It’s a disgustingly hot today, you’re dehydrated, and you’re hurt. Go home.”

Blinking away the sweat, I shake my head.

“Thanks for your concern, but it’s fine.”

“As one of your superiors, I insist.”

Growling, I toss the shovel aside. I know he’s doing it because he is concerned for my health, but sacrificing a few hours of pay isn’t something I’m happy about.

“Go home and rest. You look like you need it,” Joe says. “Look after yourself, mate.”

Leaving all my belongings inside the break room, I throw off my hat and vest, sliding inside my truck. My head spins, and I blink away little black dots that dance across my vision. Shit. I really do feel weak now that I’ve stopped.

Instead of heading home, I go out to the dam. Kicking off my shoes and shrugging out of my clothes, I dive into it. The water streaking through my sweat-ridden hair and over my strained muscles feels soothing. I moan in relief at the coolness.

Coming back up for air, I float on my back, gazing up at the sky.

My head is all over the place. It was already—before Josie came back—but now everything is even more confusing. Everything I felt for Josie has come back stronger than ever. Hell, it never went away. That girl has weaved her way into my heart and no matter how much I pull, I can’t snap the thread.

After spending over an hour swimming, floating, and diving deep, I head home for a shower, then change into my all-black clothes that I wear for the pub. I head in early and order myself dinner and a beer. I sit off in the corner, where hopefully I’m out of sight and will be left alone. I peer up at the TV and watch a repeat football game I’ve already seen.

The beer is cool and crisp, a welcome relief as I swallow it down.

The bell chimes, and I glance up, doing a double-take when I see Josie walk inside. She’s dressed in her cute work outfit—lavender scrubs, with a little tooth badge clipped over her left breast.

Her long hair tumbles down her shoulders and back in thick waves as if she had it twisted in an up-do all day and pulled it out just before coming inside. Even after working a full day, she looks beautiful and fresh, like always. She peers around the room, and I wonder if she’s searching for me. My heart thumps unrhythmically at the thought.

Ainsley, the girl working in the restaurant tonight, hands over Josie’s order. My finger twitches. I want to call out to her, but I don’t. She pays and thanks the girl, before disappearing back through the door.

For a long time now, I’ve had a plan. Save money, get out of here. But now when I think about what that will be like, I think about Josie being with me. It’s a picture I can’t rid my mind of, no matter how hard I try.

I’m so preoccupied with my thoughts I don’t notice someone approaching the table. Liam—a friend, I guess—offers me a casual smile. He pushes a thick bit of hair off his forehead.

“Harley, hey,” he says. “What’s up?”

“Just having some dinner before my shift starts,” I reply, before shovelling a forkful of food into my mouth. “What are you up to?”

“Um, I was just wondering if you had any bud you could sell me?” he asks, peering nervously over his shoulder.

Leaning back in my chair, I prop my elbow onto the chair. “Brennon sells, not me.”

Lauren Jackson's Novels