Page 69 of Meant to Be

“I am.”

“I see,” he says. “You don’t happen to be pregaming for Cameron’s party, are you?”


“Wow, partying with my big sis. That’s something I haven’t thought I’d do for a while. When are you heading there?”

I shrug, even though I’m aware he can’t see me. “Not sure. When are you?”

“I’m heading out the door now. Who are you with?”


“Do you need a lift?”

I look at Belle and grin. “Yes please!”

I fly around the room, gathering lip gloss, spraying perfume, and fetching my house keys. I blow out all the candles and make sure all my appliances are unplugged from the wall. Mum has drilled that into my head since I was young. With the heat out here, she was always terrified something would catch on fire.

“I didn’t realise Sam was your brother,” Belle says as we step out onto the porch. “He’s a sweetheart.”

“He’s a good boy,” I say, and then realise I have no idea if that’s true.

We hear Sam’s car’s exhaust before we see him pull into the street. We pile inside, and he gives Belle a wave over his shoulder. Cameron only lives a few minutes from my house.

Music blasts through the open windows, the pale curtains flapping over the pane in the breeze.

Curious eyes follow us as we walk to the house. Several people wander over, greeting my brother mainly, and also Belle. I notice how standoffish people are when it comes to me, clearly not knowing how to handle me.

Heat blossoms over my skin as I try to ignore the stares. The house is unbearably hot and stuffy, with too many warm bodies packed inside the walls. We weave in and out of the small groups, the drinks in the bag we brought jostling with each step.

When we enter the kitchen, I see Nick, John, Eric, and a few others—including Jess—milling together, talking, plastic cups in their hands.

Belle squeals, running over to Jess, and they hug, gushing about each other’s outfits. I roll my eyes and turn my back to them.

“Josie!” Nick startles. “I tried calling you a few times. I was going to see if you were coming to this.” He swallows, tugging at his collar. “And here you are.”

“Sorry, I’m useless with my phone these days,” I reply honestly. “And I wasn’t. Belle dragged me here with no notice.”

His eyes flick to where Belle is standing, Jess throwing glances at us over Belle’s shoulders.

“Oh. That’s okay,” he replies.

Linking our fingers together, I pull Nick after me and into the lounge room, where the furniture has been shoved against the walls to make space for a dance floor. The light is dim in here, with strobe lights splashing across the room wildly.

A prickling sensation rips through me, and I lift my eyes to see Harley leaning against the wall, twisting a cup around in his fingers. My pulse races when his eyes explore my body. I feel a strong sensation of butterflies stir between my legs and it takes all my willpower to drag my eyes from his.

Slinging my arms around Nick’s neck, I push my body against his and begin dancing. His strong hands fumble at my sides, almost seeming like he’s unsure of himself before he finally settles them on my hips. I hate how cautious he is; it feels like I’m a teenager again.

Everything around me vibrates, and my eyes—like magnets—are drawn to Harley. He’s still watching me.

Bruises and cuts still litter his face, and my stomach tightens at the memory of his father’s fist plunging into him.

His tongue moves his lip ring, and my eyes follow it. A hot flash burns through me as I think about Harley’s mouth on my body, his tongue sliding against my skin. I feel wetness between my legs and curse. No other guy has ever made that happen, and it infuriates me that Harley gets a smirk on his face, as if knowingexactlywhat effect he has on my body.

“I’m glad you’re here,” Nick shouts into my ear, and I startle, having completely zoned out, momentarily forgetting where I am and what I was doing.WhoI was with.

“Nick!” A gangly guy wearing a striped polo slaps Nick on the shoulder, saving me from replying. He turns to me and blinks in surprise for a moment.

Lauren Jackson's Novels