Page 75 of Meant to Be


It’s been nothing but clear blue skies all morning for the opening day of Farmer’s Week. I’ve been here for a few hours, helping get all last-minute things organised. People have poured through the gate. Visitors from border towns have tripled our usual population, and I curiously watch the various groups wander through.

Mum has a stall set up selling cakes, pies, and other pastries that she made throughout the week. Sam is at his sponsor’s tent, selling riding equipment and merchandise. My father is organising the parade, and that leaves me in the truck and car wash. When Dad suggested it, I think he was trying to insult me, but my mother thought it would be a good way to raise funds.

Yanking on the hose, I take a long drink, and almost spit it back out when it spurts out lukewarm.

“Ugh,” I groan before wetting my hands and flicking the water droplets over my skin.

“Having fun?”

Turning, I face Nick, who is leaning on a pole, smiling at me. He’s dressed in cut-off denim shorts and a singlet, with a flannel draped over the top. A weathered-looking straw hat is perched on his head, and I bite my lip to stop myself from smiling. He couldn’t look more country if he tried.

My sleeveless white top tucked into my pants has basically become see-through. My shoulders have bronzed already, and I know I’m going to be red raw by the end of the day, even if I have multiple layers of sunscreen on.

“Loads.” I sarcastically grin.

“Do you want some help? I have a shift now, but I can come by after?”

I shake my head. “Thanks heaps, but it’s fine. I’ll manage. You’ll be wanted elsewhere, I’m sure.”

“Okay.” He nods, slipping his fingers into the pockets of his shorts.

Gosh, he is handsome. The type of handsome that doesn’t know it, but it’s glaringly obvious to everyone else. And so incredibly kind. And patient. I exhale, shifting my weight from one foot to the other.

“Do you want to do something tonight?” I blurt.

His eyes lift from the ground to meet mine. Those gentle green eyes. He smiles.

“Sure. What are you thinking?”


“Sounds great. I’ll pick you up?”

“Sure. I’ll find out what’s showing and text you later.”

“Okay,” he replies. He tips his hat. “See you then.”

“See you, Nick.”

My eyes remain on his back as he walks away. I want to try with Nick. I can’t let myself fall into this terrible pattern again, like last time.

For the next two hours, I soap and wash truck after truck. My arms ache, and my skin burns. I throw myself onto a shady patch of grass and let my body rest for a moment. I’ve made a few hundred dollars just on this, which makes it all worth it, but still doesn’t change the fact that I’m hungry, hot, and tired.

A deep rumble alerts me, and I lazily open one eye.

“Working hard, or hardly working?” Harley asks, peering down at me from his window.

“I’m taking a much-needed break, thank you very much.”

“Looks like your break is over. My truck is filthy.” He grins, showing his straight, white teeth, and I scowl at him.

“Wash it yourself, you lazy fuck.”

“I hope you haven’t been this hostile to other paying customers. This is for charity, right?”

Reeling into a sitting position, I glare at him. “Only to those deserving of it.”

Lauren Jackson's Novels