Page 77 of Meant to Be

I rest heavily on the truck, the soap soaking straight through my shirt, but I don’t care. I douse myself with the hose, feeling like he’s lit a match over my body.

Begrudgingly, I finish cleaning his truck and take the tin to Mum, who has been collecting all the money raised. I have something to eat and drain a bottle of water before I head back to my tent.

When I return, his truck is gone.

* * *

Exhaustion plagues my body as I wait out the front for Nick to pick me up. Today was long, but we made over six thousand dollars just today, with more to come tomorrow.

Climbing into his ute, I lean over and peck his cheek.


“Hi.” He smiles. “Tired after today?”

“So tired,” I admit. “I hope I don’t fall asleep through the movie.”

“Me too,” he says with a laugh, pulling from the curb.

There’s barely anyone at the cinema when we arrive, so there’s no line to get our tickets and popcorn. As we left the timing a little fine to get here, we head straight in and take a seat. Only two other people are seated already.

“How’s work been?” I ask.

“Can’t complain. I’ve been babysitting a lot too. My sister’s girls.”

“That’ll keep you busy.”

“They sure do.” He tilts the popcorn towards me, and I grab a handful. “And yourself?”

“Yeah, fine. Different to what I’m used to, but good all the same.”

The adverts play, and I sit back into the seat, trying my hardest to keep my eyes open. I’m mid-yawn when Nick’s hand finds mine and gently squeezes it, before linking our fingers. I stare down at it, waiting for some sort of reaction from my body. Something.Anything.


I startle, blinking awake. The lights are on, and the credits are rolling. I mentally curse and give Nick a sheepish smile.

“It’s okay,” he says with a smile. “You’ve had a big day.”

“Was it good?”

“It was all right,” he replies, pulling me to my feet. We dispose of our rubbish, and Nick’s hand rests on the small of my back as we walk back to the car. “I’d suggest going for a walk, but you look wrecked.”

“Sorry, I’m a dull date tonight.”

“I’m pretty wiped myself.”

“Night, Nick. Thanks for the movies. It was good, what I saw of it.” I softly laugh.

I clamber out of the car with a wave and am halfway to the door before realising I didn’t even think to kiss him goodnight. I half-turn back to see him driving away. I groan and push the door open.

I stumble straight to my bed, and when my knees hit the edge, I fall into it.

The date should be on my mind, but it’s the interaction with Harley at the car wash that I can’t stop thinking about.

When my eyes close, I feel his hands over my body, his hot breath in my ear. Groaning, I toss and turn, glaring up at the ceiling, feeling confused and damn frustrated.

Lauren Jackson's Novels