Page 87 of Meant to Be


My fist slams into the steering wheel and the horn blares, piercing the stale air.

“Fuck!” I exclaim, punching my fist into it another time. The skin over my knuckle splits and pain skitters up my hand. Growling and hissing simultaneously, I flex my hand and stare down at the blood. My knuckles had only just started to heal from their last assault.

I spill my heart to her, and she ditches me. Again. For fucking Nick. How is this happening again? Hasn’t she learnedanything? It’s me and her. It hasalwaysbeen me and her.

Nick’s warm smile flashes in my mind and I feel sick to my stomach. I hate what I did to him all those years ago, and now it’s happening all over again.

Throwing my head back into the headrest, I think back to last night. Her slender body underneath me. Her smooth skin sliding against mine. So tight, so warm. Blood rushes to my groin and I groan.

Stomping on the accelerator, I race home. I stumble into the shower and only turn the cold nozzle on. I strip down and step inside. My palms press against the tiles and I glare down at the ground.

Those lips. Those curves. Those fingers running down my body.

I’m so hard it hurts. I grip myself and groan out in anger and frustration, sliding my hand over myself, imagining it’s her. Heat pools in my stomach and I buck my hips forward, gritting my molars so hard it’s possible one of them cracked.

There’s so much built up and with my memories of last night, it’s only moments later that I spill into my hand almost painfully and sag into sitting position. Water laps over my legs and I bury my head into my hands, my elbows digging into my thighs.

Since Josie has been back, I finally feel alive again. Like there’s a purpose for me.Sheis my purpose. But God, she is fucking stubborn. My shoulders sag and my eyes sting. I fear I’m moments away from crying—something I haven’t done in alongtime—and push to my feet, shaking the water from my face.

Re-dressing, I throw on my joggers and go for a run. I sprint hard and fast, until my lungs swell and my chest heaves. In this heat, it doesn’t take long for my clothes to be drenched in sweat. My vision blurs and I stagger to the side. Falling to my knees, I roll onto my back and stare up at the sky.

Why does everything fucking suck?

Lauren Jackson's Novels