Page 89 of Meant to Be

I’ve become so bored that I’ve enrolled in an online course to develop more skills as an OHT, not that I can probably practise what I learn much out here. I’m able to do most online, but I’ll need to drive back to Brisbane for a three-day practical assessment. I feel a little less like I’m stuck in a standstill after enrolling, which has given me some peace of mind.

Sam is dressed in overworn, unintentionally ripped jeans and a faded shirt that looks two sizes too big for him. His hair is scruffy and unkempt, looking like he hasn’t bothered to wash it in the last week, or maybe two.

I go to make a joke about it but close my mouth, not wanting to offend him. We pile into his car. I kick away the food wrappers littering the floor. The engine rumbles to life and his stereo is deafening. He quickly turns it down, giving me a sheepish look.

There are a few more people milling around the pub tonight. It’s uncomfortably hot, so when we order drinks, I ask for a glass of ice.

My eyes roam around the space, searching for Harley automatically.

“What’s new with you?” I ask as we take a seat. I glance around one more time, but it appears Harley either isn’t working or he’s out the back.

“Working. Riding. Sleeping.” He smiles. “That’s all I do.”

“I never knew how good you were at bull riding,” I say. “I was so impressed at the rodeo.”

Sam’s face brightens at this. “Thanks. It was one of my better rides.”

I dip my fingers into the glass and grab a cube of ice. I dab it over my flushed skin. Sam observes me with an amused smile.

“Look at you, such a city girl now. Fern Grove doesn’t know what to do with you.”

“And me it,” I sigh. “I’m lost, Sammy. I don’t know what I’m doing.”

“You don’t seem lost to me.”

“How so?”

“Got your own place, secured a great job, seeing someone. Hell, you’ve been back five minutes and you’re doing better than me.”

“Everything just feels so slow and boring out here. It’s maddening.”

“Once you take a breath and slow down, you’ll realise there’s more to this place than you think.”

“I’ll believe that when I see it.” I take a long mouthful, draining half my cup. “No one interests you?”

Sam offers a half-shrug, not meeting my eyes. “Few here and there.”

“I’m sure the right person will come along soon enough.”

The glass that Sam has been spinning in his hand stops and he looks at me, a little startled. I take another sip and lean back in my chair, both of us waiting to see if the other is going to say anything more. We don’t.

“Do you have any other rides coming up?”

He nods, leaning forward and clasping his fingers together. “Yeah, in two weeks, in Ewingsdale.”

“Cool. That sounds fun.”

A loud creak gains both of our attention. When we look to the door, Harley wanders in, carrying a carton of beer. He walks behind the bar and opens the fridge door, before he starts piling the stubbies onto the shelves.

“Have you …” Sam trails off, inclining his head. “Spoke to him?”

My skin heats under his fingertips as they trail down my skin. His fingers touching and teasing me in all the right places.

“Uh, yeah, a little,” I answer.

“How is it?”

I fiddle with the coaster. This is quite possibly thelastconversation I want to be having with my brother.

Lauren Jackson's Novels