Page 93 of Meant to Be

“You’re sure?” he asks, searching my eyes so intently, I almost look away.


He’s organised for Marie to baby sit me while he’s at dinner. He doesn’t trust me not to run. So he shouldn’t.

He kisses me tenderly before leaving. Marie gushes about how sweet he is. How I’m so lucky. I almost emptied my stomach on the carpet.

I stage it precisely. We share some wine. I trip over my feet, throwing it all over her. She rushes to the bathroom to scrub it off.

I throw anything into my bag that is important. I dig out my spare key. I am out the door and running within thirty seconds.

And I don’t look back.

“It’s complicated,” I tell Sam, trying not to let my mind be consumed by all the things that pushed me back here.Him.

“It’s psychotic! He sounded like he was going to kill me! He doesn’t even know who I am!”

“It’s a good thing he doesn’t, nor does he know where I live. It’s better for everyone that he doesn’t. You didn’t tell him, right?”

Sam pales. “I said you were home.”

I swallow. “I never told him where I grew up. I hope he doesn’t somehow find out.”

Sam leans forward, eyes wide. “He was the one who hurt you?”

Biting my lip, I nod. “Yes.”


“Pretty bad.”

Sam exhales. “Shit, Josie.”

“He keeps calling, texting, leaving threatening voicemails. He’s obsessive.”

“How did you end it?”

“I ran away,” I whisper. “I left in the night when he wasn’t home.”

Sam’s mouth is in an ‘O’. “This sounds like a movie.”

“I wish it was a movie.” I feel myself crack, tears brimming my eyes. “What do I do, Sam? What if he finds me?”

Sam covers my hands with his big, calloused ones. They’re tan and slightly wrinkled, from being out in the sun too often. Warm and big, like our father’s.

“Then we will deal with it.” He tightens his hold. “Let’s get out of here. We can watch a movie or something back at your place?”

“Sure.” I nod, blinking back the tears and not having much success in keeping them from falling.

When we get to the door, I run into Jess. We both stumble back and apologise before realising who it was we ran into. She’s in a dress, nicer than the ones she usually wears.

Right. The date with Harley.

I glance over my shoulder to see him watching us. When he sees my face, his own falls. I shove out the door and follow Sam to his car, wishing the night would be over with already.

* * *

I tell Sam I need to shower before the movie, just so I can let all the tears out. Once they’re gone, I’ll be able to put the smile back on my face and pretend everything is fine.

Lauren Jackson's Novels