His revelations made my body freeze up, and it was hotter than hell outside at the time. He knew about my mother, and I flew into panic mode as my heart prepared to jump out of my chest. But what did I expect? It was the Devil Riders, and I knew they played dirty.

My eyes must have glazed just now over because Numbers’ expression showed concern. “Are you okay? You looked like you’ve gone to Never Never Land.”

Some of the spark went out of my spirit as I thought back to the horrible conversation ? not like I hadn’t been threatened before as a defense attorney. I’d had a few close calls where I contemplated purchasing a Smith and Wesson. This deal made me rethink that idea again. All I needed was my ID. “I’m fine, just a little tired from the heat is all,” I claimed in a weary voice.

He pushed the jug of water towards me. “Here, have some more water. Refresh yourself.”

I poured more water into my glass and drank it, even though I wasn’t thirsty. It gave me a chance at avoiding answering him truthfully. “Thanks. I wanted to ask you… have you always worked for the club?”

“No. I was working for a little Mom and Pop shop first to get my accounting feet wet, and I got bored with that. I wanted to work on larger accounts, then I landed myself in hot water with the Rebel Saints… and they took pity on me I guess.” He shrugged with his carefree attitude.

This attitude amazed me at times. I wanted it to rub off on me. Half the time, I felt like I was wound tight like a spring and would break any minute from the strain of looking after my mother. Numbers’ light spirit was just the rejuvenation my heart needed to keep me going. “You’ve done well for yourself, look at you now,” I replied.

“What about you, Mia? Are you happy in life? All good in your world?” he asked.

I ran a hand through my hair. The depth of the question made me uncomfortable. I wasn’t sure we were there yet. What happened to the light-hearted playfulness? “Somewhat. I have a few things to take care of, but nothing that I can’t deal with,” I admitted, darting my eyes around the room. Not the complete truth, but not a total lie either.

“Anything you want to disclose? I’m a pretty good listener most of the time,” he said with his eyes probing me.

He was really trying. I had to give it to him. I plastered a fake smile across my face. “No, nothing at all. I’m okay. Except for coping with this heat. I’m hot. It’s not like I don’t know about Mississippi heat, I’ve lived here long enough,” I whined as I steered the conversation in another direction.

“You are definitely hot, that’s for sure,” he muttered.

My lips turned up. “You’re lucky I’m not working for you. That would be considered unprofessional,” I poked at him in a teasing tone. “But thanks,” I added quickly. I didn’t want him to think I didn’t enjoy the compliment.

“Then I guess I’m glad you’re not working for me right now. Note that I said ‘right now.’ I don’t give up easily though, you have to know that, Ms. Copeland.” He gave me a quick wink.

I tugged at my ear as a nervous reaction and finished my glass of water. “Noted.” I started packing up my things and made the move to slide the proposed contract back over to him.

Numbers looked me straight in the eye. “You keep that in case you change your mind,” he said firmly.

“Okay but—”

“I know, I know you have a heavy client load. I heard you. You just never know. Even if it’s a couple of months down the track and you change your mind, the offer will still stand,” he added with a smile.

As I lifted out of my seat, I caught a whiff of spice and soap from him and inhaled. “I sound like a drag, don’t I?”

“No, you sound like a hardworking woman with passion. I like it. That’s why I asked you to come and work for us,” he said with a bright smile.