Fresh fear circulated through my veins making me hyperventilate. “You can’t do that. You would have blood on your hands.”

“No big deal to me. You keep your mouth shut and do what I tell you do. Are we clear on that?”

“Who put you up to this, and what’s the agenda, Doc? Do you want their turf? If so, why? You have your own turf. It doesn’t have to be this way, your crew can run your own turf.” Deep in my heart I knew it was a hopeless cause to reason with a killer.

Booming, raspy laughter rang out through the phone. “We want more. That’s club business. You’re out of your mind. We aren’t going to be sitting around holding hands with the Rebel Saints, that’s for sure. I would suggest you go and buy yourself something nice with the money, or better yet, take care of your mother with it,” he suggested.

Anger surfaced, making me grind my teeth. “Don’t ever mention my mother again,” I concluded with as much force as I could muster. The argument was going around in a circle, so I stopped it. I made up my mind then and there not to use the money.

He ignored my request and launched into his own version of goodbye. “I have some things to do. You have yourself a nice night and I’ll call you soon for the next thing I want you to handle. Remember what I said, Mia,” he warned.

The dial tone rang out in my ear.

I threw the phone down and slid my knees up to my chest. My life was spiraling out of control, and I had no idea of how to get it back. After wallowing for a little while longer, I pulled myself off the couch. I wanted to hear a friendly voice, so I called the one person who I felt like I was betraying. Numbers.

“Hey, Mia. I’m glad you called me. I wanted to talk to you about things and see where we stand.”

“Do you mean with the charges? Or do you mean with us?” I asked with uncertainty. I was aware I’d been frosty with him. I was probably coming across as hot and cold.

“Both, if I’m being honest. You seemed preoccupied when I saw you. All I wanted to do was kiss those soft lips of yours and tell you everything was going to be all right, but you turned your back on me.”

As I listened to his heartfelt outpourings, I felt a tug in my heart. “I’m sorry. I wanted to hear your voice, I do think you and I are moving in the right direction. I really do. I just like to take things slow. As far as the charges go, like I told Bones… there are no charges. The problem is though that they might start sniffing around now, because there has been more than one incident.”

“I figured as much. Thank you for representing us. You didn’t have to do that and I’m sure you’re sending the bill to me as we speak,” he said with a chuckle.

His happy-go-lucky attitude made me smile. “Yes, I am. You bet your bottom dollar! And yes, I did have to do it, what would that look like? I was right there at the scene. I’m the best person to represent the Rebel Saints and it’s lucky I was an eyewitness,” I reasoned.

“Enough talking about this. I want to see you. How about next week you come around to my place and I cook you dinner? Would you be up for that?”

Doc’s face crept into my mind as I exhaled a silent breath. A stubbornness set in. I didn’t want him to ruin my chance with Numbers, so I agreed. “Yes, I would love that. I didn’t know you could cook!” I was grinning through the phone and my mood was rapidly changing to the upswing.

“Ah well, I have to eat for myself. It’s just me. I can boil water and a few other things ? so yeah, I can cook.”

“Good to know, I look forward to it. Let me know the details.”

“Okay. Thanks for calling. I’m glad things between us are good,” he said, sounding relieved.

“Yes, they are,” I said, even though I was keeping a soul-destroying secret from him.