Chapter Sixteen: Betrayal


Sated. Wrapped in the warm, muscled arms of my new lover, there was no other place I wanted to be. I sunk further in as he nudged his nose into the crook of my neck. I rubbed his forearm, giggling. We’d just finished making love for a second time.

Could I be falling for this guy? Could it be a possibility? I let my mind relax and wonder about us. I let the pinching guilt that threatened to ruin my lover’s high dissipate.

You can enjoy it, Mia. Let it be for now. Quit and tell Numbers. I made the choice right then and there that in the morning I would tell Numbers. I didn’t want to hide anymore. I didn’t want to think Doc was sending one of his crew to my door every time I stepped outside. If he knew I was on the enemy’s side it would be hell to pay. More importantly, I didn’t want to lie to Numbers anymore. It wasn’t the healthiest base for a relationship to begin.

Numbers sighed as he turned on his back. “I don’t know what you’re thinking, but I don’t want you to leave. I want to wake up with you in my bed,” he requested in a low voice.

I smiled and felt as if my heart would blow open from happiness. “I’m staying, you’ve made it hard for me to get up now, anyway.” I chuckled.

He kissed my hair. “Good, I don’t want you going anywhere,” he said, splaying his hand over my stomach. “Can I get you a glass of water or something to drink?” he whispered in his ear.

“Yes, a glass of water would be great. Someone took away my breath,” I teased.

He groaned into my neck. “No, that’s what you did to me. Water coming up, beautiful.” He tapped my ass lightly.

I watched his impressive body stalk to the kitchen. He might be the accountant of the Rebel Saints, but he was a man’s man, that was for sure. I enjoyed watching his raw power. I heard the tap run, and the conflicting feelings started to run back to me. I pushed them down as best as I could.

Let it go, Mia. You’re going to tell him. You will.

Numbers came back with two glasses. “Here you go.”

I sat up taking one of them. I grasped the water glass and drank it down so fast, it caused me to hiccup.

Numbers laughed. “You drank that real quick. Want another one?”

I wiped the droplet of water escaping from my mouth. “No, I just drank it too quickly.”

He drank sensibly, unlike me, and slipped down to lay on his back with his hands behind his neck. “I’m glad that I got arrested for the car,” he said lightly with a grin on his face.


“I mean I got to meet you, how would I have met you otherwise?”

“Ah, I get it, when you put it like that…”

My hiccups subsided and both of us drifted off to a peaceful sleep.

My eyes fluttered open wide as I heard the beeps of messages coming through. I was too tired to figure it out where it was. Where is it? Hmmm. I’m too sleepy to get it. I floated back to sleep, dreaming of my future with Numbers.

Sunlight streamed through the window as I laid flat on my back. I looked over and the bed wasn’t heavy from Numbers’ body anymore. My head was buried under my hair as I licked my lips and turned over. I got a shock because all of my clothes were folded neatly on the bed.

Confused, I looked up.

In the doorway Numbers stood with my phone in his hand.

“Good morning. Is it late? You’re already dressed,” I observed with a husky voice.

“Yup. I am. Are you looking for this?” he asked with an angry, hurt tone.

Now I was more confused than ever. “I would have gotten to it. I think it must have fallen out of my pocket last night,” I mentioned.

“Lucky for me that it did. How about that?” His voice had some extreme moodiness to it.

Maybe he wasn’t a morning person. I swung my legs over the bed and slipped my bra and panties on. I thought I might as well get a shower while I was here. “What did I miss? Do you need me to make you a coffee?” I asked gently, trying to get to the bottom of the tension.