“Do you want more?”

She looked thoughtful for a moment. “Yeah, I guess I do. You know, growing up the way I did, all I really cared about was having a family, and I promised myself that someday, I’d do it. I’d find a husband and just make this big group of kids together. They’d be the family I always wanted and I’d never let them go, never choose anything over them.”

“I don’t blame ya,” I told her. “I’m learning that it’s amazing, being a parent. You get to see little bits and pieces of yourself in them, and the pride is overwhelming. I never knew it would be like that.”

“You want more too?”

“Definitely.” I wasn’t sure I ever wanted kids before Gavin came into my life. It seemed like it was just too much responsibility. Lifelong commitment. But since I’d gotten a taste of it, I knew I wanted more of them, maybe two.

Neither of us said what we were both thinking. We could do this together. We already knew we’d combined to make a pretty great kid, and we had the chemistry to make it work. Maybe it had been destined all along. What were the chances of her getting pregnant from that one time so many years ago? Maybe it happened for a reason. To bring us together again now, when we were older and wiser.

Maybe things just had a funny way of working out.