Chapter Twenty-Three: Just In Time


I twisted the accelerator on my bike, obliterating the speed limit. I had to get to Naomi, to wrap my arms around both her and Gavin. I had no reason to think they were in danger, since Samantha’s issue seemed to be with Ink, and maybe Rebel Saints in general, but I still didn’t like knowing that this psycho was around my family this whole time. She tried to kill my friend, and then she babysat my son like nothing ever happened.

Bones, Gunner, and Maverick were with me, since they’d followed when I ran out of the hospital, desperate to get here. I opened the door on the outside of the house, running down the steps until I reached the bottom, where the entrance to Naomi’s apartment was. I tried to just open the door and go in, but it was locked. Damn it.

“Naomi,” I called out as my fist landed on the door over and over with thundering blows. “Open up.”

I paused a moment, hoping the delay was because I had just woken Naomi and Gavin up in the middle of the night. She’d open the door and I’d apologize before hugging them both tight, and I would know they were okay.

Then, I heard the scream in Naomi’s voice.

“Back up,” I commanded.

The men did as I said.

I took three big steps back myself, as far as I could go with the stairs behind me. Striding forward again, I lifted my boot and slammed it into the door with all the strength I had.

It flew open, the frame itself breaking and allowing us to enter.

I rushed inside, but I didn’t see anyone in the living room or kitchen. “Naomi,” I shouted.


It came from her bedroom. The door was already cracked and I shoved it open.

A small woman with black hair was advancing on Naomi with a wooden baseball bat in her hand. She raised it over her head.

A look of horrid fear reflected on Naomi’s face. She raised her arm to block her hit.

I moved forward before the woman—who I could only assume was Samantha—was able to deliver a blow. I grabbed onto the bat with one hand and took both of her wrists with the other.

Disarming her was easy, but I didn’t anticipate the way she freaked out over it.

Letting out a scream, she lashed out. The movement was so unexpected that she got one of her hands free and scratched at my face, drawing blood along my cheek.

“Shit,” I cried out, arching my back and turning my face away.

Suddenly, Bones and Maverick were there, pulling her away from me, which she didn’t make easy, as she fought like a wildcat.

I wiped at my face, irritated more than anything when I saw blood on my fingertips.

“Are you okay?” Naomi asked, moving closer to me and peering at the scratches on my cheek.

I nodded and pulled her into my arms, burying my face in her hair. I inhaled the scent of her, willing my heart to slow down by reminding myself I had gotten here just in time. I could have found her in the same condition as Ink if I’d been even a moment later. Or it could have been even worse…

“Wait,” I pulled back to look into her face. “Gavin. Where is he? Is he okay?”


I heard his sleepy voice coming from behind me, so I turned.

He stood there in the doorway, barefooted and wearing his pyjamas while rubbing his eyes. “What’s going on?”

I reached out and grabbed him, pulling him into the embrace with Naomi. They were here, safe in my arms, just where they belonged. I glanced over to see Bones and Maverick were still detaining Samantha.

Gunner was on the phone out in the living room. When he hung up, he walked back into the bedroom. “The cops are on their way,” he said.