"This girl is going to be a definite asset on gold." The guys laughed again and Palmer looked around at the group. "We're gonna meet up with some of the other guys in the Hill. If you get done shopping you should head over."

"Cool. We'll stop by," Maria said.

Ariana, meanwhile, tried to pick apart his words. In the hill? What did that mean?

"See you later, Ana," Palmer said, slipping by.

"Wait. How did you know I was on gold?" Ariana asked.

Palmer lifted his palms. "I'm the team captain. I know all."

Then he sauntered away, greeting almost everyone he saw with a wave or a hug or a peck on the cheek, just like a real politician.

"Palmer. Such a flirt," Maria said in a fond way.

Ariana felt a hint of irritation at the implication that Palmer treated all girls this way, but she let it slide. She was too busy basking in her new crush. Then Soomie nudged her arm and woke her up from her Palmer-related stupor.

"Ana, meet our friends," she said, her voice almost breathless. For the first time Ariana noticed that the three boys were still loitering nearby. The guy Tahira had retreated to now had his arms around Tahira as they whispered directly into each other's faces. "That's Robert," Soomie said, pointing at Tahira's boyfriend. "And this is Landon Jacobs."

Landon pushed his hands into the pockets of his well-worn gray


chinos, which he wore with a studded leather belt and battered black boots. His tie was slung around his neck and then over his shoulder like a scarf, and his white shirt was open to reveal a faded T-shirt depicting the British flag. His jacket was rolled up at the sleeves, with the cuffs of his shirt just peeking out at the ends, and his blond hair was long on top and pushed forward over his blue eyes, as if he was trying to hide behind it.

"Hey," he said with a slow, practiced smile, which Ariana could tell was supposed to make her swoon.

"Hi," she said. He was definitely not as tingle-inducing as Palmer.

Laridon blinked, as if confused. So did everyone else around them.

"Oh, and this is Adam." Landon stepped aside and gestured over his shoulder at the curly-haired boy hanging behind him. "He's new too.

"Nice to meet you," Ariana said.

"You too. Is this place overwhelming or is it just me?" he asked in an endearingly vulnerable way.

"It's not you," Ariana lied, taking pity on the poor guy. He looked kind of lost-puppy-doggish with his light brown curls and big brown eyes. Like someone who needed looking after. "Speaking of which, what's 'the hill'?" Ariana asked the group.

"The Hillary Rush Junior/Senior Lounge," Soomie replied. "It's off the dining hall. We call it 'the Hill' for short."

"Yeah, and the fres

hman/sophomore lounge is called 'the cave,'" Brigit added. "Because it's so much lamer than the Hill."


"I definitely miss the cave," Landon said with a shudder. "Well, see you girls around." Then, with one more confused glance at Ariana, he sauntered away, trailing Allison, Zuri, Tahira, and Robert.

"Later, Norway," Tahira said over her shoulder.

"Hopefully much," Brigit replied.

Ariana almost cringed. So immature. She was going to have to help Brigit with her comebacks. Or possibly just teach her the art of aloofness.

As soon as they were out of earshot, Soomie gripped Marias sleeve. "Oh my God. Landon is so hot!"

Ariana blinked. If someone had asked her ten minutes ago, she would have sworn that Soomie was the type of girl who didn't do giddy. But here she was, practically trembling in the wake of Mr. Floppy Hair.