Why does she have to be here? If she weren't here, Palmer would be mine. I know it, Ariana thought. If only she could just disappear.268

Suddenly, Ariana felt something snap inside her mind. She had not just thought that. No. Lexa was not expendable. Lexa was her friend. And she wasn't about to do anything to jeopardize her new life.

Nothing, she told herself as Palmer kissed the tip of Lexa's adorable nose. Nothing, nothing, nothing.



"Well, Miss Covington, I must say . . . I'm amazed," Mr. Pitt said, folding his hands on his desk in front of him. Outside the sun was just starting to go down and Ariana could hear the shouts and laughter coming from the quad. The party to mark the end of Welcome Week was just beginning, and she longed to be there."Amazed?" Ariana repeated.

"Your test scores went up by an average of twenty-four percent," he said, handing over a printout of her grades. "If that's not amazing, I don't know what is."

Ariana's chest inflated with pride as she reached for the paper. She knew she had done well, but she was pleased by how very well. "Does this mean I have a new schedule?" she asked hopefully.

"Done and done," Mr. Pitt said, handing over a schedule card as well.

Ariana bit her bottom lip as she looked it over. Honors English,


honors American history, honors chemistry, honors French, calculus, and her two electives, creative writing and modern literature.

"I hate to get ahead of myself, but if you manage to ace that curriculum, Princeton is going to have to accept you," he said.

"Thank you," Ariana replied, beaming. "Thank you so much for everything, Mr. Pitt."

She knew that he was not responsible for this. That it was her own determination and talent and drive that had gotten her to this place. But at that moment her heart was so full, she felt she should share the wealth with someone.

"You're welcome, Miss Covington," he said, reaching for a book that he had open facedown on his desk. "Now, I believe you have a party to attend."

"I do," Ariana said, standing up and tucking the two pieces of paper--the evidence of her triumph--into her bag. "Goodnight, Mr. Pitt!"

"Good luck, Miss Covington."

Ariana closed the door behind her and covered her mouth with both hands, squeezing her eyes closed with joy. She was on her way. On her way to straight As and Princeton and the life she'd always wanted. As she stepped outside into the cool evening air, she felt a sense of absolute peace. She was going to get everything she wanted. She was certain of it.

In the distance she saw the twinkle lights that had been strung all around the quad flicker on, and the student body cheered. Music wafted across campus and happy voices fdled the air. Ariana smiled


and turned her steps toward the party, feeling as if it was being thrown just for her.

She had only taken two steps when Palmer came around the side of the building and nearly slammed right into her.

"Sorry, I--"

"Oh my gosh, Palmer. You scared me!" she exclaimed, hand to her chest. She was about to suggest they walk to the party together when she got a good look at his face. His distressed, panicked face. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing. Everything. I . . ." He looked at her curiously, as if he was deciding whether or not to trust her. Ariana's heart skipped a beat. There was nothing she wanted more in that moment than for Palmer to trust her. "I have to go talk to the headmaster," he said finally.

"About what?" Ariana asked, stopping him with her hand to his arm.

Palmer blew out a frustrated sigh. "I just came from the boat-house." He took a step closer to her and looked around, then lowered his voice. "Lexa did it. She cheated. The rudders on the other two boats were all screwed up


All of the breath rushed from Ariana's lungs. This was not happening. Why would Palmer have gone back and inspected the boats? Why couldn't he have just left it alone? But then, a little flame of hope sparked in her mind. He was blaming Lexa. He was automatically blaming Lexa.