Snuggled between my alphas,feeling their sleeping arousal pressing against my ass and my sex, I sought for the sensation that had held me back during that first week or so after my heat. I listened to their breathing, satisfied they were asleep. I released the breath I’d held back while I confronted the new terrain of my heart, of the strange twist my fate had taken. My mother and father both responsible for keeping me from my mate? Then the intensity of taking two mates a week after our reunion. The pair of them carving out a new possibility for my future. I was now a mate and wife. Two roles I’d trained for, two roles I’d given up on after Jack had been forced to leave me. Perhaps I needed some undoing, a break with my past to better realise the future with them at my side.

“Did you know?” I whispered to my unconscious mates. “I worked to be everything my parents asked of me. I didn’t know any different. I must stitch the neatest, smallest stitches, play and sing a little. Was required to be deferential to my alphas but encouraged to be intelligent and articulate. Marry and mate an alpha who would both steer me in the right direction but encourage me to bloom. A mate must be this and that. The twins never knew. Nothing was expected of them because we assumed they would both be alphas. Mama and Papa even whispered they would love them if they never presented and were betas. As a girl I thought that so noble. They would love us all equally, no matter dynamic. I couldn’t… Oh, I’m a jumble. It wasn’t until Hippolyta revealed as an Apex omega that I began to feel the noose. It happened after we mated, Tod. A switch overnight, and she became feral. Mama refused to have her in the house. She acted more alpha than alphas we knew. Papa persuaded Mama to let Polly stay. She was undeniably an omega, but with an alpha’s bark. Then I was presented at court. Each passing day brought more of their demands. That I mate the right alpha. That I forget my life before London. I couldn’t.” I squeezed my eyes to close out the tears. My father’s disappointment every time I rejected some alpha. “I thought it was because he’d wanted me to be happy. But had it been his submission to my mother’s belief my mate, my Tod, wasn’t worthy. My father wanted to please his alpha, even if it meant keeping me away from my alpha. He loved her, and that made him blind.”

“Don’t be sad, omega,” Jack whispered. “As your alpha, I should not have bared my neck to your mother.”

“Must you both always become maudlin over the past?” Pax now made it clear he, too, had been listening. Rather than the rush of shame at being overheard, I burrowed deeper between them, relieved my words had gone to the ears that needed to hear them.

“So, will you continue to thwart us in a delayed rebellion?” Jack asked.

“Perhaps. If you grow complacent or we grow bored. I am sure I can think of some escapade which will have you calling me a menace again.”

“And accept the consequences?”

“She knows the consequences,” Jack chuckled. “I think she likes the consequences.”

He pushed me so that I was sprawled against Pax’s chest. Then those hands, strong and sure, roamed over my back. They dipped low to cup my bottom, squeeze in a way that had me shifting to alleviate the pressure between my legs. Pax delivered a sharp spank, its force practically shoving me up his body.

“My turn to talk,” Pax growled. I wondered if he would confess his love to us now. He needed his moment to shine. “I worship this body. These curves. But this,” he flicked my forehead. “This is by far the most seductive and compelling part of you. I can’t fuck your mind or bravery so I must be content with that perfect tight pussy.”

Pax spread my ass. Jack’s hand ran down my back. A petting motion, soothing and seductive. I arched into his touch, presenting myself to him. Pax thrust up, rubbing his cock between my slick folds. The three of us working in tandem, yet chasing our own pleasure. Jack impaled me on his cock. “You aren’t ready for it yet, but soon. Soon we are going to fuck your cunt. Both of us.”

“Fuck, yes,” Jack groaned. “Hold her down.”

I gave into the feeling of Pax banding his arms around me, crushing us together so that with each thrust from Jack, my slick sex rubbed along Pax’s rock hard cock, providing the most delicious pressure on my clit. Our mouths fused together in a lazy, exploring kiss. At one point I had feared that sex with them would grow routine, but now I knew it could never be the case. Three mates as obsessed with each other’s bodies as we were, could never grow complacent.

I was being forced towards a mind blowing orgasm. It was so close that I wanted to tell one of them to grab my throat and finish me off in gasping ecstasy.

“Close,” Jack muttered and on his next retreat pulled out completely. “Squeeze those thighs together for me.”

Pax understood before I did and spread his legs until I lay caught between his thighs, my own pressed together and my sex still rubbing against his length.

“Please, Jack…” I whimpered, desperate to feel his cock filling me again. Then gasped when he forced his cock between my thighs, right along Pax’s. Their cocks rubbing together against my clit.

“Perfect,” he moaned. “Both of you.”

I looked to Pax, who’d been so quiet. His grey eyes shut, his head thrown back, the tendons of his neck taught, and his bottom lip between his teeth, holding back whatever noises he wanted to make.

“Don’t hold back, Benedict.” Jack growled above me. “You’ve never held back before.”

“Soldier.” The warning note in his voice sent a shiver through my body.

“Sweet alpha.” I pressed a kiss on his chest. “I want to hear you.”

“Kiss him again, Trix. Steal his breath away.”

I stretched up trying to find his lips but with the way my alphas help me, I could only reach his neck… His neck, where Jack had bitten him, where I had. I licked over the healing marks, wishing I had an alpha’s power to make them permanent scars for the world to see.

“Bite me,” Pax hissed.

I froze.

“Bite him.” Jack fisted my hair and pressed me closer. I licked first, tasting the sweat on his skin and something all Pax. “Bite him.”

Pax gave a shout when the skin broke again, bucking into me.

“That’s it, sweet vixen.” His hips flexed and the tip of his cock caught in my opening. Divine intervention, made more divine by the feeling of him entering, his knot pushing at my quim. Jack lifted off my back and pulled me backwards, pushing me on to Pax’s knot, forcing it into me. Our silver alpha rutted into me, grinding his knot inside of me as my sex milked him, taking every drop of cum he had.