My tormentor just turned and gracefully dropped to her knees before me. I looked down briefly but only saw a head of dark curls and billowing silk skirts.

“I’ve never done this before,” the confession was an aphrodisiac. Mine, mine, mine to train. To show how best to suck my cock. I’d train my Hartwell up.

“Take it out,” I ordered.

Delicate hands reached up, fumbling with the fastenings. I groaned as those same hands pulled me free, as they held my knot, and fingers teased along the length. I heard a soft rustle of silk and then had to feel the heat of a body against my legs. Lips brushing up my cock from base to the flared head.

“Put it in your mouth and suck,” I groaned and closed my eyes, hoping that by blocking out the image it would lessen the intensity of feeling a willing mouth sucking on my cock. It was too much, I realised. This would change everything. There was no way I could ever give her up after this. I’d have her go down on me every day… I went to grab her head, to stop her from taking us further down this road. My hands threaded through the curls, prepared to jerk away.

“Please do not ruin my hair,” the words blew against the head of my cock. “Let me…”

“We have to st—” The words were cut off with the first feeling of Hartwell’s mouth around me. The heat, that wicked tongue doing wicked things. I knew, Iknewthat she was innocent without her telling me. That made my alpha purr. That made me want to halt this madness.

“Little one,” I purred. “Look at me.”

Her eyes sparkled up at me, my cock stretching her lips. Those eyes though, they were not as violet as usual, for they were black with desire. This wasn’t some nameless, faceless creature giving me pleasure, but my secretary, my very particular Hartwell who wanted to fellate me in my library. Another alpha might care about dynamic, might be repulsed by the thought of an alpha sucking his cock, but I had never cared about the trappings. But Hartwell! That forever perfect combination of omega scent, feminine appearance, and the aggressive fire one would never find in an omega overwhelmed me. Never before, never again would there be someone more perfect than my secretary. She was my undoing. So I demanded eye contact as I slowly began to thrust in and out of that perfect mouth. I would not go too deep. She had never done this before. Nor would I be gentle.

My orgasm built slowly until suddenly, I felt my balls tighten and my knot throb. I grabbed my knot squeezing it with all my alpha strength. Though my hand paled in comparison to an omega’s hot cunt or ass when it was leaking slick and desperate to clamp down on a good hard knot, but her mouth might be as good. Her tongue worked. She sucked me deep, forcing more of my cock into her throat until she gagged and tears streamed down her cheeks and her lips brushed my hand.

When it came, my orgasm was like a wave breaking on the shore. I shot my cum down her throat, and she could not swallow all of it so that it began to leak from her mouth. I pulled free, still erect allowing the last shots of cum to land on her chest. I ran a hand through my hair, breathing hard as I looked down on a dazed Hartwell, whose eyes were cloudy with desire.

“Hartwell… Here, let me.” I fished my handkerchief out of my pocket and carefully dabbed at her breasts to remove my cum. It went against everything I wanted, but it had to be done. Because now more than ever, I wanted to spread her out on the desk. Taste her, fuck her. No,thathad to be done. Now. This instant. “I need to taste you.”

“No,” she grabbed my hand. “I must… I must go. I’ll never forget… Goddess, I must go! I’ll be late.”

I watched confused as she stumbled to her feet and fled the library. The rejection filled me. Impossible. I was the dominant alpha. She would never reject me. Still, I felt empty as I tucked myself back into my breeches and slumped into my chair. Dazed and confused about what the future held for us now… As master and servant. As a pair whose relationship was closer than friends.

* * *

“You seek to marry the Countess?” Fordom asked, his face showing his genuine surprise. He arrived an hour after the vision of Viola had left and demanded to know if he could hide out here, drink my wine, and play a game of chess rather than attend some party or other. I’d relented, for he knew the Hartwells and I had questions for him. Questions I wanted to avoid asking but needed the answers as much as I needed my next breath. But instead of providing me with an opening, he had spoken of other things. That is, until now, when he had decided to remind me of my plan to marry. “May I ask why?”

“You may not,” I growled. “Whom I marry is my concern alone.”

“And surely the omega’s as well. But does your secretary know your intent?”

I frowned across at the alpha who lounged in the chair. A long leg extended, the buckle on his shoe glinting in the firelight.

“Why’d you ask?”

“I come from a gathering where I happened to see the countess and Miss Viola Hartwell. They are often in each other’s company, much to Caroline’s annoyance.”

“What has that to do with anything?” I held my temper in check. He was speaking of my Hartwell, and I did not like it.

“Oh, nothing. Viola is a most beautiful omega,” he scratched his chin and a smirk twisted his face. “She will be presented soon, and, I expect, will cause a few ripples.”

“Why? There is no fortune there,” I snapped and wanted to tell him the truth. It was Hartwell he’d seen, but I could not reveal it. Dammit. Viola was not some society prize. When she mated, it would be for something other than her social standing.

“Perhaps not, but those violet eyes. And that quickness of thought and conversation. Besides, of all the sisters, she is the most… Shall I say innocent?”

I growled. I had not seen those eyes or mouth but I knew another, and that is the one that flashed before my eyes—one in lavender silk with my cum on her face.

“Faith, what have... Unless it is not the countess but Viola who has caught your attention? Viola, my own goddess.” Though he did not sound surprised as he raised his glass of wine to his lips. “Well, if the wind blows in that direction...”

“And how would I know Miss Hartwell when I have not met her?”

“Has Hartwell not sung her praises? Paxton is not here so I feel safe to say that Beatrice is the fairest of the sisters. Hippolyta is beautiful but wild. Viola, however. Now she is a hidden gem. By far the most dangerous to an alpha’s peace of mind. Though I have a feeling you would not want some sit at home omega. Surely not after that dinner you threw the other night? My understanding is that you gathered the brightest political minds? Paxton came away grumbling that Hartwell is going to push you into a leadership position—“

“What?” I barked out a laugh at the absurdity of the thought. “My little secretary, bullying me to do something?”