Page 16 of Risky Cowboy

“We’ve got cows out.” He knocked on the wall just inside the office, and that single statement got Lee and Wayne up in a hurry.

“Sorry, Spencer,” Lee said as he followed his daddy into the hall. “Oh, look, here’s Riss. She’ll show you the house, okay?” He didn’t wait for anyone to say okay, and Spencer did not see Clarissa. His heart pounded like he had, and that she’d dolled herself all up for a dinner-date with him.

Slinky black dress. Heels. Makeup. Curled hair.

He stepped into the hallway to find her wearing a black plastic apron over her jeans, rubber boots, and a bright red tank top. She peeled yellow rubber gloves off her hands and said, “What’s he talkin’ about? Where are they rushin’ off to like the devil has lit their pants on fire?”

She was just as sexy in the apron, jeans, and gloves as she would be in the black dress, and Spencer’s brain misfired at him. Clarissa looked at him, and he gathered his wits so he wouldn’t turn into a dummy in front of her.

“Something about some cows being out,” he said. “I came by to drop off my paperwork, and your daddy was going to show me the place where I get to stay, so I can get whatever I need before I move here.”

Her frown deepened with every word he said. “So I’m the real estate agent now, is that it?”

He shrugged but couldn’t help smiling. “I guess so.” He couldn’t lie and say he was upset by the switch, because he did like Clarissa. He’d always liked her, and he thought they’d never really had a chance all those years ago.

Maybe they did now.