Page 55 of Risky Cowboy

“It’s only a few days,” she said.

“For now.”

She turned in his arms, and their eyes met. “What are we doing?” he asked. “Are we kidding ourselves?”

“I don’t know,” she whispered. “There’s long-distance. We have computers and phones. We both have cars. It’s two hours.” She sounded desperate, but also like she’d thought about maintaining their relationship after she moved to San Antonio.

“I’m not going to say anything stupid,” he said, smiling at her and enjoying the presence of her in his arms. “I think you’re going to rock the interview, and I think you’re going to have a job in one of the best restaurants in the city soon enough.”

She smiled at him, and she was angelic and wonderful. He’d definitely started to fall in love with her, and he hadn’t even tried to apply the brakes to slow down or stop himself. He was ready for a good woman in his life, and Clarissa was a fantastic woman. She was kind, she worked hard, she was innovative. She paid attention to details, she was gorgeous, and she put up with his sense of humor. He wanted to be the man to make her laugh, hold her when she cried, and bring her cookies when she felt like no one saw her.

Hesaw her.

“Thank you for believing in me,” she said, pulling him down for a kiss. “It means a lot to me.” She pressed her lips to his, and Spencer took it from there, kissing her in a way that he hoped would convey all of the things he hadn’t been able to put into words yet.

Things like,I’m falling in love with you.

Please choose me.

Come home after this interview.

AndI think you’re amazing, and you can nail this interviewtoo. He didn’t want to see her fail, even if he did want her to choose him over a new, fancy job in the city. He had no idea if she’d do that or not, but right now, it didn’t matter. Right now, he could just keep kissing her.