"Bribery? Of a government agent?"

"I kidnapped a US senator. You said so yourself. Do you think the law applies to me? Furthermore, do you think I care?"

"Ma'am, I can say with absolute certainty, that you are under the illusion that no law or rule applies to you."

"Why, thank you! How sweet." Grandma leaned back in her chair. "Where shall I start?"

"The beginning."

"It began with a curse."


"Don't worry, it was a good curse. And it wasn't real, but he didn't know that. You see, sometimes we just need to be given permission to do things. We need to be told something is okay."


Jace looked like he'd just seen a ghost. I waved in front of his face; he sucked in some air and began choking wildly and tugging at the beaded necklace around his neck.

"When did you go shopping?" I fingered the necklace.

"Don't touch it. I'm cursed!" he shouted.

I'd never witnessed a nervous breakdown. But I was almost one-hundred percent sure that's what was taking place. Jace pulled at his neck, nearly choking himself in the process and kept holding his breath.

"Get it off!" he yelled again.

"Jace. Breathe," I demanded.

His wild eyes looked everywhere but my face. Finally I grabbed him and pulled him into a hug. "It will be okay. It's just six days."

"You can't touch me. I'm serious, Beth. This is serious!"

"Right. You and your necklace are cursed." I patted his back in a motherly fashion. "You're under a lot of pressure right now. It's okay to freak out every once in a while. Just take some deep breaths, and we'll get some food in you."

"I'm not…" He started hyperventilating. "What the hell kind of perfume do you have on anyway?" He pulled back, eyes wild.

"I'm not wearing perfume."

"Aw, shit!" Jace finally pulled free from the necklace and threw it into the ocean, nearly popping his arm out of the socket in the process.

"Better?" I crossed my arms.

"Immensely." His chest was still heaving from exertion. "Sorry about that."

"Oh, it's fine. I've always wondered what it would be like to watch someone completely lose their mind." I smiled.

And was rewarded with a middle finger.

"Whoa there, Senator, manners."

His eyes narrowed. "The damn captain cursed me. He cursed me with you!"

Mad as hell, I smacked him on the arm. "Then why don't you just go back to your perfect life with your ridiculous amount of money and leave me the heck alone! I need this vacation, and I don't need you here being all—" I pushed him again, "—angry!"

"Fine!" Jace shouted, and then he pinched the bridge of his nose. "I mean, you're right. I'll leave. I just. He just—"

"Aloha!" A lady approached us on the dock. "I don't mean to interrupt what I'm sure was a very healthy and emotional conversation where you're both searching for your feelings deep down inside and—"