Luckily the only other couple at the pool were by the swim-up bar and partying it up.

"Stop yelling!" I pulled her to the furthest corner of the pool. "And I didn't call you a prostitute. I accused you of having a shady past. There's a difference." But if she were thinking about a career change, now would be the time to fully commit.

"This is SO not the fairytale." Beth smacked me in the shoulder once we reached the other side of the pool by the waterfall.

Thunder rumbled across the sky.

And then sheets of rain started tumbling out of the sky — it wasn't a normal rain. It was a Noah rain. The type of rain that makes it almost impossible to see the person in front of you without blinking the drops out of your eyes.

Beth tilted her head back and laughed.

I couldn't laugh. The laugh was stolen from my chest the minute I saw her close her eyes as the water dripped down her body. I would never need Viagra in that woman's presence. Ever.

Just put Beth in front of all the test subjects for ED. Problem solved. I should get a medal.

"Come here." I growled, pulling her close to me. She didn't fight. She wrapped her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist.

I groaned as she pressed against me. I was ready to beg, I'd been brought that low. Weeping? Yeah, it was going to happen. A grown man was going to weep, jury was still out whether the weeping would be from ecstasy or pain.

"I'm still not helping you." Beth smiled. "But there is this one thing I've always wanted."

"There's several things I want at the moment," I said in a hoarse voice as I moved against her. "But what's your one thing… tell me."

"I want to be kissed in the rain."

I touched my forehead against hers and nipped her lower lip then whispered against it. "I think I can do that."

Our mouths touched.

And it was like lightning had struck the pool. My entire body hummed as Beth's mouth worked against mine. I pushed her against the wall of the pool and then jerked her hard against me when she moaned into my mouth.

My body didn't just ache for her — it burned from the inside out, the outside in. Every time her teeth grazed my lips or her tongue collided with mine, I was burning hotter and hotter. Ready to explode. Happy and satisfied to be kissing her, even though my body had physically wanted more, I was finding ecstasy in her touch.

Rain poured down our faces as I walked her through the water, back underneath the waterfall.

I tripped with her in my arms; we both laughed as I managed to get us into the little cave.

My lips were about to find hers again when I heard a low voice say, "Beth?"

Beth moved her hands toward my pants, so I ignored the voice.

"Beth, is that you?"

Growling, I pulled back to yell but stopped when Beth's face visibly paled. "B-Brett?"

"Hey!" He waded through the pool and pulled her in for a hug. "How are you? It's been so long!" He released her.

I tugged Beth closer to me and shielded her; I would have peed on her to mark my territory if my body would have allowed it. Seriously, the guy needed to back the hell off before my fist ran into his face.

"I'm good." Beth gripped my arm tight. "And you?"

"Awesome! Just on vacation for a few days." He held up his hand. "Hold on, you have to meet my fiancée."

He left. Beth's grip tightened. She looked like she'd just seen a ghost — and not a friendly one like Casper — one that feeds on the souls of small children.

"Make a run for it?" I whispered, tugging her away from the man with too much chest hair. Did he get implants? Did guys do that? To look more masculine?

"They'll see us," she said through a fake smile.