Page 79 of The Bet (The Bet 1)

She wondered if that was a rhetorical question as his lips pressed against the base of her throat.

Travis pulled away. “Sorry, I tend to get carried away when I’m hungry.”

Kacey raised an eyebrow.

“For food,” he clarified and then cleared his throat. “Um, anyway, let’s, uh, let’s just finish this up and we can get going.”

“Get going?” Kacey grabbed the next box and began pouring it into the now boiling water.

“Yeah, I have a plan.”

“Oh,” Kacey said laughing and threw the box at Travis. “So the food wasn’t the surprise.”

“Hell, no.” Travis shuddered. “I’m not sure if I should be offended or thankful that you think I lack that much originality.” He seemed to think about it a moment then nodded. “Thankful. I’ll take thankful. Now pour in that orange stuff so we can get on to the surprise.”

“Carbing up for something, are we?” Kacey teased.

Travis growled and pushed her against the counter. “You have no idea.” His lips found hers in an aggressive kiss. Just as Kacey wrapped her arms around his neck, she heard steam hitting the stove.

Travis cursed and turned to the pot of macaroni, which looked pretty pathetic with the orange stuff in it. “I forgot to drain the water.”

“Yup.” Kacey nodded.




“Italian,” they said in unison. Kacey went to the house phone while Travis got on the Internet on his phone to find some Italian take-out.

A quick thirty minutes later and they were sitting over chicken alfredo and opening up a bottle of red wine.

“So… good,” Kacey murmured between bites.

“I can’t cook, but I can order…” Travis boasted as he held out a piece of bruschetta with goat cheese to her lips.

It was the type of meal she would never eat on a first date.

Possibly not even on the second.

Way too much garlic.

It was comfort food at its best, and she couldn’t imagine a more perfect meal to share with Travis. They’d ordered enough to feed a small country, but there was something about having so many choices laid out around them.

“I can’t do it,” Kacey said as she exhaled and took a gulp of wine. “I’m done. I seriously cannot eat another bite.”

Travis put his hands behind his head and leaned back on his chair. “That’s too bad.”


He shrugged. “Part of your surprise is dessert.”

Did his version of dessert include lots of skin, whipped cream, and chocolate? Because at this point Kacey was beginning to think she would really like some more food. Mouth watering, she leaned forward. “Well, what are you waiting for?”

“So, you’re game then?”

He was talking about going upstairs, right?