Page 96 of The Bet (The Bet 1)

Jake chuckled in his corner. “Ouch.”

Kacey turned to him. He squirmed in his seat, breaking eye contact. “As for you!” She pointed at him. “We are on very shaky ground, my friend, very shaky ground.”

“She called me friend,” Jake boasted aloud.

Travis cursed and held his head in his hands. “I’m sorry,” he said, his voice cracking. “I’m so damn sorry.”

Kacey closed her eyes to fight the tears. “You should be.”

“I’d like to say something.” Jake cleared his throat.

Travis turned a murderous glare in his direction. “I’d rather you not.”

“Regardless,” Jake said, pushing up from his seat and pacing the room. “I think it must be said that both of you are being stupid.”

This? From Jake? Kacey scowled. “And what? You’re suddenly the voice of reason?”

“Voice of reason.” Jake shoved his hands into his pocket. “I kind of like the ring of that.”

“I’ll bet,” Travis mumbled.

“Speaking of bets…” Jake walked over to Travis and lightly kicked his foot. “I think you won this one.”

“Bet?” Kacey repeated. “What bet?”

“I was eight.” Travis seethed.

“You were in love.”

“You made a blood oath!”

Jake laughed. “Again with the blood oaths. Let’s get one thing straight. An oath taken by spitting is not even close to being a blood oath.”

Travis swore and glanced at Kacey. “I had to see you. The way you left…”

Kacey was still stuck on this whole bet business, and just as she was getting enough courage to ask…

The door burst open.

“Make that two of my least favorite grandsons.” Grandma seethed.

Jake flinched and sat down next to Travis.

“Arrested at an international airport for fighting!” Grandma Nadine put her hands on her hips. “Shame on both of you! To think I had to find out on national television where my sweet boys were.”

“She said sweet, that’s a good sign,” Jake said under his breath.

Grandma swore.

“Grandma!” The men said in unison.

“Poor Kacey,” Grandma said, walking over to Kacey and opening her arms. Kacey went into them willingly, comforted that Grandma was there but also finding it mildly amusing that both boys were getting the cold shoulder. Just how immature would it be to stick out her tongue?

“You, my dear, are coming with me.” Grandma grabbed Kacey’s purse.

“What about us?” Travis asked.

“I told the lovely security guard to let you sit and stew for a while. He’ll release you in three hours.”