I wanted to say “a glass of wine” and have her join me. Then we could put some candles out and make it into a date, but I couldn’t do that. I was there in a professional capacity, and when we did go on our first date, it wasn’t going to be sitting at the kitchen table of her soon-to-be former apartment.

“Water would be great.”

She went to her cabinet and pulled out two glasses of water. She had to reach up to do it, and her dress pressed up against her ass. I sighed and looked away as it only reminded me how it had felt in my palm and how much I wanted to hold it and her again.

“Okay, why are you here instead of Hank?” Victoria asked when we sat down.

I could have given her some excuse that he had to reschedule or forgotten that he had another appointment, but it wasn’t the case. “Because I asked him if I could do it instead of him. Well, I didn’t actually ask.”

“Did you take a job away from him?”

“He’s on salary; he gets paid the same amount if he does five or fifty signings for me.”

“Oh, okay. Then again, why are you here?”

“I wanted to see you. It might not be kosher, but it was the only one I could think of. I didn’t think you would see me if I just came up and knocked on your door.”

“You mean like you just did?” she asked with a smile.

“I come bearing gifts.” I held up the paperwork.

“Why don’t we get to that then?”

She looked at the paperwork in my hands, and I felt as if I had been dismissed. Had I read her and what she was feeling towards me wrong? Maybe she hadn’t missed me as much as I had missed her. I didn’t want to believe that, nor was I going to just let her slip through my fingers. We had something great, and we could have it again if she would just give us a chance. My mind raced as I tried to come up with a way to flirt with her while she signed the papers when she gave me a shy, soft, sideways smile.

It was then that I knew she wanted me too. It was a small movement, and if I hadn’t been looking at her so intently, hoping to find any sign of hope from her, I would have missed it. She didn’t want to show it, she was just as confused about me being in her place, and I didn’t blame her. As confusing as it was, it made me happy that I had decided to come and see her.

We spent the next hour going over the documents. I explained them and allowed her the time to read and ask any questions she had. She didn’t have many, and I could tell she had done her own research on what to expect and knew what she was getting into. The questions she did have were smart and logical, and I was even more impressed with her than before.

While we sat there, I kept everything as professional as I had before we slept together. But there was an uncurrent of desire, of need, that ran between us. I smiled and felt my whole body react when she laughed. I wanted to reach over and take her hand, bring it to my lips and kiss each finger, but I didn’t. If I did, I wouldn’t be able to stop with just her fingers, and we had work that needed to be done.

It was still hard to be next to her, to remember and know what it felt like to have her in my arms, and not go right back to that. I could tell she felt it too. It wasn’t anything specific she did, but in how she moved, how she sighed and gave me a sideways look that told me she was having some difficulty too.

“What happens now?” she asked when she signed the last document.

“What do you want to happen?” I teased.

She blushed and shook her head. “I meant with the paperwork and the house?”

“I’ll get the paperwork to the lender tomorrow morning, and it will be processed. Once it is recorded, you can get the keys, and the place is officially yours. It might take a few days but not much longer than that.”

“That’s it? It’s all done? I’m a homeowner?”

“Yes. You are.” I smiled at her.

She stood up and spun around the room. I could see how happy she was. The process of buying a home was not an easy one, and it could feel at times like it was never going to get done. I could understand her shock and happiness that it was finally happening.

I got out of my chair and stood next to her. When she opened up her arms, I stepped into them, lifted her off the ground, and spun her again.

“Congratulations!” I said.

“Thank you. I can’t believe it. It’s so surreal,” she said as I put her back on the ground.

“It’s going to take a bit of getting used to, and you have some packing you’ll need to finish, though, by the looks of it, you don’t have much left to do.”

“I was a little excited when I found out my offer was accepted. I was worried it was premature, but I want to be able to move in as soon as I can.”

“Which should be in a few days.”

Ashley Sands's Novels