But I felt different. It was small things and how he looked so genuinely happy to see me. I had been around Hollywood types all my life, I could spot a fake smile a mile away, and he never gave me one. He was funny and witty when he would show me a house, having me laughing throughout the tours. We would talk while we looked at a house and linger long after we were done. He kept in touch with me. Sometimes if he didn’t have a house to show me, he just touched base. The text messages and voicemails were always professional, but there was a slight undertone of flirting I could hear and feel just under the surface.

I had made the mistake of saying as much to Liam a few weeks ago. He had pounced on the information, wanting to know anything and everything that Zach might have done to make me think he was interested in me. I had confided in Liam because I wanted him to tell me I was wrong and was seeing things, but he hadn’t. And he had kept on it since.

“The man’s into you. I might not have bought a house, but I do know that a realtor doesn’t need to text or call their clients almost every day. Nor do they put their hand on the small of their client's back when they’re walking around a room. Or give thousand-watt smiles that make their client's knees go weak.”

“I never said that last one.”

“But you said he has a great smile, even sexy, and you blushed when you talked about him. I filled in the rest,” Liam said.

“You might have me there.”

“See. Then now is your chance. It’s going to be just you and him at the house today, right?”

I was meeting Zach soon to go over the final inspection of the house I was going to buy. If everything was okay, I would sign the paperwork in a few days, and soon after that, the house would be mine.

“Yes. But that doesn’t mean anything can or will happen,” I said.

“It will if you want it to. Come on, this is your last chance to have some fun with him, and by have fun, I mean have s-e-x with him.”

“He’s my realtor and my stepbrother. It wouldn’t be right.”

“And that’s what makes it so much fun,” Liam replied with a smile.

“You’re a horrible person and influence,” I said with a laugh.

“And that’s why you love me. Tell me you haven’t thought about it yourself. Tell me you haven’t once imagined what it would be like to kiss him or even more, and I will leave you alone.” Liam said and crossed his arms.

“You know I can’t do that.”

“Good. Once you sign the paperwork, technically, he’s no longer your realtor. So there’s no conflict of interest or either of you doing anything inappropriate, at least not in a professional sense.”

“He’ll still be my stepbrother.”

“So? Who cares about that? He’s hot. He’s into you. You're hot. You’re into him. That’s all that matters.”

“It seems wrong to do anything with him knowing what’s going to come with our parents divorcing.”

“All the more reason to do it now. While you still can.”

“Tempting, really, it is. But I need to stop sleeping around. I want to find a man I can settle down with, get married to, and have kids with. I’m not getting any younger, and it’s time that I start thinking about my future. Sleeping with my stepbrother isn’t going to help with that.”

“Consider it your last hurrah before you buy a house and get boring.”


“You know what I mean. I get it. You enjoyed your early twenties, as you should, but you’re getting older and want to get more serious. I understand. Maybe Zach’s the one for you to do that with?”

“Ha! I doubt that. First off, because of who our parents are, and second, he’s a billionaire realtor. The last thing that man would be interested in is anything long-term with me. He’s dated stars, models, and fellow billionaires. He would never be interested in me. We have had a few fun flirtations with each other. That’s it. Which will end the minute I sign the paperwork.”

“Or it could be the beginning. I’m just saying, don’t close the door on it, at least not completely. He’s into you. You’re into him. Have some fun with it. Damn what happens tomorrow or what your mother does. That woman has ruined your life enough times, don’t have her do it anymore.”

“I hardly talk to my mother. I actually talk to Charles more than her. At least he seems to care about me.”

“Your mother is a selfish bitch. I’m sorry, she just is.”

“Don’t apologize; it’s the truth, which is why I can’t start anything with Zach. It wouldn’t be right.”

“Fine. Fine. I can tell you’re digging your heels in, and there’s no way to change your mind. I think you’re making a mistake. The man sounds yummy and something you should pursue, but you do what you need to do. And tell me how it goes,” Liam teased.

Ashley Sands's Novels