“Can we not talk about you being my realtor? I want them to be separate, even though when we started all of this, they really weren’t.”

“I kind of was done being your realtor when you signed off on the inspection, so technically, we did nothing wrong. But I get your point. We won’t talk about your house unless you want to.”

“Will you have anything to talk about? Or are you one of those guys who can only talk about his work?”

“Oh, I can keep you entertained with my failed attempt at being a yodeler.”

“You didn’t!” She laughed when she realized I was joking.

“I’m sure we can find something to talk about. I’m looking forward to seeing you tomorrow. Until then, have a good night.”

“You too.” Victoria ended the call.

I held my phone in my hands long after Victoria had hung up. I couldn’t keep the smile off my face or the thought that I was going to be seeing her again. She might not want to think that it was going to be a date, but as far as I was concerned, it was. It was a very important date as it was the official start of us. I did want to see what we could be, what we could have, and starting tomorrow night, we were going to find out.

Victoria hadn’t said anything about me staying over or us being together when we got done with the date. But I wanted to. We had done things backward, and it probably wasn’t the best to think about sleeping with her on our first date. But we had before, and it was incredible. There was no reason to think that we couldn’t and shouldn’t do it again.

I had a feeling convincing Victoria might take some work. But I had persuaded her to go on a date with me when she hadn’t wanted to. This was just another obstacle I would have to overcome, and I would overcome them all if it meant being with Victoria.

Chapter 11


I did not talk to my mother often as we had never been close. She hadn’t been the best of mothers and had only been interested in me when it suited her or gave her a good photo opportunity. I had been raised more by my father.

Still, I wanted to know how she was doing with the divorce. The news had been pretty quiet about it since it broke. Maybe she and Charles were being civil with each other. Maybe it wasn’t going to be that big of a deal. Maybe I was worried about being with Zach when I really didn’t need to.

More than likely, she was just biding her time as another bigger scandal came out about the same time her news did. I could see her just waiting until she could announce something and get more attention than she was currently getting. I wanted to believe that she could just let the divorce happen quietly. But she hadn’t done that with her other three marriages and divorces. I couldn’t see her changing her ways now.

She would appreciate that I was calling her. Hopefully, she wouldn’t see the facade it was. I just wanted to get some information out of her. I needed to know how bad this was going to get so I could prepare myself and Zach for what was to come.

I wanted to sleep with him again. I wanted to see him again. But what capacity that would be in would depend on my mother. And the only way to find that out was to talk to her. I might have told Zach we would go out to dinner and see where things went, but that didn’t take away my apprehension about what would happen if people found out. I needed to know how deep my mother was into this divorce and how horrible she was going to make Charles' life and, in turn, mine. The more information I knew about what she was going to do, the better prepared I would be to deal with what Zach and I were going to do.

“Darling, I have a horrible headache.” my mother said when she answered the phone.

“What drugs did you take?”

I knew she had and that the headache wasn’t that bad. She was just immediately looking for some sympathy from me. She hated that I liked Charles and was hoping I might feel more sympathetic towards her. Her telling me about her current malady was her way of trying to win me over. It only annoyed me and told me I was in for a long conversation.

“There are no drugs that can help me with this headache. More like a shotgun,” she said.

It was then that I realized she was talking about Charles, or the divorce, being a headache for her. This wasn’t going well for me at all.

“Mother, it can’t be that bad. I’m sure you and Charles can work things out. Assuming you want to.”

“I’m a reasonable person. I’m the most reasonable person you will ever meet. Charles is the ass about everything. How dare he think that he can keep the house in Malibu!”

“Well, it is his house. He owned it before you were married. I think he might want to keep it. And you said you hated the house and never wanted to live there.”

“I loved that house!”

“Did you ever go there?”

“That’s beside the point. Charles is being completely unreasonable. I’ve half the mind to just go over there and stay in the house. See if he will kick me out. I’m sure the press will have a field day with that.”

“They won’t care that you’re staying in a house your soon-to-be ex-husband owns.”

“Well, they should. This is a travesty. Doesn’t anyone care about me and what I’m going through?”

Ashley Sands's Novels