“She can when I ask not to be disturbed, and someone comes barging into my office unannounced and demands to see me. She was only doing her job and what I asked her to do. I was on the phone with Ray, and I didn’t want to be bothered.”

“Ray?” my father said, his annoyance at my assistant immediately gone. “What did he have to say? How are things going?”

“Things are going well. He wants me to meet with his producer later in the week to discuss strategy and how the season would work.”

“Wonderful.” My father smiled.

“Yeah. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to do it at first, but Ray convinced me it would be a good thing for my company and me.”

“Your sister did a good job putting this together. This will be huge for all of us.”

“All of us?”

“Sure. You don’t think I was going to let you have all the fun. I’ll be stopping by to check up on you and adding a little flavor to the show.”

“I’m not sure that will be necessary.”

“Of course, it is. They’re going to let the viewers know who your father is. Who your famous father is. It would only make sense that I would be seen occasionally.”

“Maybe in the first couple of episodes, but the show is about me and my journey and my success, not yours.”

“Success you wouldn’t have had without me. Don’t forget I helped to fund your enterprise.”

“Yes, you like to keep reminding me of that. Money I paid you back for.”

“I was happy to help you out. And I still will if you need it, but I have to say I’m a little concerned about where you’re going with your life at the moment.”

“What are you talking about? You just said how happy you were with the reality show.”

“Yes, professionally, you couldn’t be doing better. You’re certainly my son, but personally, I’m starting to get a little worried.”

“What now?”

“Now? It’s the same shit you were doing weeks ago. The same shit I warned you not to get involved with. Why didn’t you listen to me, son?”

“Because who I’m with is no one’s business but my own.”

“It doesn’t work that way. Did you see if there’s a morality clause in your contract?”

“Morality clause? What are you talking about? I haven’t even seen a contract yet.”

“The morality clause is one the company can use to cancel your contract if you do anything that they deem immoral or not worthy of their brand.”

“There’s nothing that I’ve done or anything that I think I could do that would be considered immoral.”

“Not even sleeping with Victoria?”

“There’s nothing immoral or wrong about that. Especially if you and Samantha get the divorce you both desperately need to get.”

“Actually, she and I’ve been talking, and we’re thinking about patching things up.”

“What? Why the hell would you do something stupid like that? The woman made you miserable. She will only do it again.”

I didn’t want to say it, but if my father and Samantha got back together, it would ruin any chance I might have to be with Victoria. It was one thing if we were together when our parents were divorcing, but I couldn’t see Victoria being okay with it if they were together. Though what she said in her classroom and how she was with me made me think and hope she might be.

“If it will keep you from making the biggest mistake of your life, I just might do it,” my father countered.

“Victoria isn’t a mistake. She’s the best thing that has ever happened to me. I care about her. She cares about me.” It was on the tip of my tongue to tell my father that I loved her, but that wasn’t for him to hear. If I was going to say it, I was going to say it to Victoria.

Ashley Sands's Novels