Luca sat up.

“Soooorrr—” The growl turned into a deep thrum so low it was less of a sound and more of a vibration.

Luca lifted the rolled up sleeping bag and untied it. “We’ll stay here until this passes.”

Would it pass?

The threads poured from Nox’s body, sliding over Luca’s thighs. He sucked in a breath.

A car pulled into the lot, throwing a glare from its headlights over the front of the motel. Luca jerked the sleeping bag over them.

“There. They’ll probably just think we’re making out.” His laugh trickled away. More filaments cascaded down Nox’s arms, winding around Luca’s waist.

Would it hurt him? Nox had no idea, but the thought it might gave him control of his voice for a moment. “Run.”


Nox begged Luca with his eyes.

“You told me to keep touching you.”

That was before this… this… Nox shuddered. The sensation of warm flesh broadcasted up every thread slithering over Luca’s skin.

He laughed. “Sorry, I know it’s not funny but…” Another uneasy giggle escaped. “I’m ticklish.” Luca squirmed, and the movement rubbed Nox’s cock.

He groaned.

The Anubis pulled back in a wave of black only to stall around Nox’s elbows.

Luca’s wide gaze went from the hard length trying to escape Nox’s sweatpants to his face. He yanked Luca forward, pressing their bodies together.

Nox rolled his hips looking for contact more than actual friction.

Arousal permeated the air, and Nox slipped his hands under Luca’s shirt. The heat of contact crackled, becoming a sharp pleasure. Nox scraped his nails up Luca’s ribs and he shivered.

“Nox.” His name came out on an exhale.

Nox swept his hands over Luca, finding the tight buds of his nipples. He flicked his thumbs over the pebbles of flesh, and Luca rocked against him.

More, Nox had to have more. He attacked Luca’s shirt. He tried to help slide it over his head, but it got tangled around his arms. Nox gripped the fabric and yanked. A jagged tear revealed Luca’s bare torso.

Powerless to stop himself, Nox lapped at the hollow of Luca’s throat.

“God, Nox.” Luca pushed his hands under Nox’s shirt. He made a clumsy attempt to remove it, but Nox couldn’t let go to help him.

He needed to feel Luca all over, but there was too much in the way. He slipped his hands past the waistband of Luca’s jeans, grazing his fingers at the top of his crack.

Nox was so intent on fondling the round globes of Luca’s ass, he didn’t realize his cock had been freed until Luca gripped it. But he didn’t just want Luca’s hand on him.

“Open your pants.” Nox didn’t recognize his voice.

Luca hesitated a second like the demand caught him off guard. Then he undid the button and pulled down his zipper.

“Take out your dick. Hold us together.”

Luca fought with his underwear. The heat of his cock slapped Nox’s and precum smeared over his skin.

Luca gripped their lengths, but as soon as he moved his hand, he lost his hold. “I don’t think my fingers are long enough.” His clumsy efforts to stroke Nox only left him frustrated.