Nox picked up the bar of soap again.

Still hard, his neglected cock wept between his legs, but he ignored it and washed Luca with a clinical touch and was still half hard when they got out.

Nox wrapped a towel around Luca. His touch ran along Luca’s shoulder. Even that gentle caress lacked the want it had moments earlier.

And Luca feared Nox would never want him again.


Luca wouldn’t look at Nox as he fled the bathroom.

No matter how much he wanted to go after Luca, Nox forced himself to stay there and finish drying off.

His abandoned cock throbbed, but it was an inconvenience compared to the waves of shame Luca radiated.

His desire had drawn Nox into the bathroom, but Nox’s greed put him in the shower. And his lies convinced him Luca was right and being with him would help control the Anubis

But Nox couldn’t blame the Anubis for this.

He picked up Luca’s dirty clothes and carried them into the room with the towels.

Luca sat on the bed, wearing boxers and a t-shirt. The glow of the laptop screen bleached his natural tan.

“You should probably get some rest. If they managed to get the van fixed, we need to leave in the morning.” One day in the same place would be dangerous enough. But two? Nox didn’t want to think of what might happen. He hoped the denser population would force the Anubis tracking them to be more discrete.

Nox laid down on the other side of the bed. Luca turned just enough to keep the screen hidden.


“I will. I just want to finish reading this article about Dr. Markus. You know, in case you change your mind about talking to him.”

“Do you want me to turn out the light?” Nox reached for the lamp on the bedside table.

Luca didn’t look up from his computer. “Yeah, sure, I don’t care.” Keys ticked.

Nox turned the switch. The glow of the screen cast Luca in blue light.

If he did find Dr. Markus, Nox still wasn’t sure talking to the man was the wisest choice. Even if he did have answers.

But what if he could help. Not Nox, but Luca. What if the man could help keep him safe?

Not just from the other Anubis but from Nox.

Luca closed the laptop, plunging the room into natural darkness. The bed shifted as he slid under the covers, remaining on his side, as close to the edge as a person could be without falling off to the floor.

Nox counted the swirls in the wood of the beadboard ceiling. The lines layered each other creating the image of mountains and valleys found in topical maps.

Like those Nox studied before a mission.

Points of reference where his target—no—his prey lay waiting.

“You ready to do this?” The deep thump of rotor blades almost drowned out the question. Jessie was short and petite for a man. If it wasn’t for the wide shoulders, he could have passed for a woman.

A sore spot with him that earned several of the team members a black eye or busted mouth.

He might have been small, but the fucker had a mean left hook.

While Nox had never insulted him, they’d fought. Jacked up on adrenaline left over from a mission, all of them had short fuses, especially when it came to Koda.