Luca raised his eyebrows.,

“Keeps people from stealing it.” The guy shrugged. “Usually.”

“I promise I won’t steal it.”

Luca hit the jon. When he finished, he washed his hands and returned the key.

Nox had the van next to an air pump. He knelt and his jeans tightened over the curve of his ass. The sloping muscles running down his back pushed against the fabric of his shirt.

Heat rushed Luca’s cock, and he wandered through the store to give himself something to do other than stare. Energy drinks, energy bars, cheap dollar store toys with big mall prices. Diapers, formula, feminine products. Potato chips, hot sauces, preservative-soaked plastic-wrapped dried meat.

Hats. Most with cheesy sayings. Sunglasses. All of them throwbacks from the seventies. Luca headed toward the coolers. He found a bottle of juice. On his way back, he walked through an aisle with car supplies on one side and….

He stopped.

That could not be right.

Luca picked up the box. A battery-operated elongated massager promised quick relief for sore and tired muscles. On another peg, blister packs contained soft rubber butterflies, flowers, and dolphins with tiny metal vibrators tucked in their bodies.

Luca picked up a bottle of lubricant. The label boasted maximum pleasure, minimum friction.

Nox kneeled by the van with the air hose in his grip.

Luca tore his gaze away, and it landed back on the bottle in his hand. He shook his head and started to put the bottle back.

Somehow, he wound up watching Nox again. He moved to the rear of the van and squatted to top off the tire. The denim outlined the length of his cock with shadows. How did it manage to look even larger than it had when Luca held it in his hand?

When it was trapped between their bodies in the shower.

When Nox tried to fuck him.

Luca carried the bottle to the counter, with his drink.

“Find everything you need?”

Luca fumbled for the money in his pocket. “Yeah.”


Luca jerked his chin up. A twenty fluttered from his hand. “What?”

“To go with the lubricant. We’re having a sale, five for a dollar.”

“Uh, no, this is… this is all I need.” Luca scooped up the money.

The attendant rang Luca up. “Bag?”


Nox moved the van to a parking spot in front of the store.

The guy put the lubricant in the bag. Luca snatched it off the counter and shoved it into the front pocket of the sweatshirt closest to his body.

Nox got out of the van.

The attendant handed Luca his change. “Bag for your drink?”

“No, it’s fine. Thanks.” Luca stuffed the money in his jean’s pocket just as Nox walked in.