Silken fur, thick like velvet, pushed at Luca’s fingertips. He reached higher, following the line of its skull where the hair lengthened.

A growl boiled in the creature’s chest.

Luca threaded his fingers through its ruff, and the strands shifted, going from stationary to swaying with life. The flow of movement traveled down the Anubis’s head, peeling away. Black ice melting in the night.

Bones cracked, joints groaned. The massive paw it had laid on the floor next to Luca shrank to a hand. Nox’s features surfaced from the oily darkness. His skin almost silver under the moonlight.

Threads continued to retreat beneath his skin, following the length of his arms and collecting in a web at his back, becoming thinner and thinner until Nox watched him with shiny chips of obsidian for eyes.

Fuck, he was beautiful, all sharp planes of perfect sculpted flesh. Scars in the right places, a dark scattering of chest hair tapering under his ribs to a thin line, leading right to a dense bed around his thick cock curving toward his stomach.

The tip glistened with precum.

“I told you not to open the door.” His voice was barely human. “I told you to leave.”


For a moment Nox’s expression crumpled before contorting back into something belonging on a rabid animal.

“I can’t control it, Luca.” Nox climbed over the bumper, moving like a creature meant to run on four legs. “I don’t want to control it.” He lowered himself, putting one hand on each side of Luca’s shoulder, his knees over Luca’s legs. The heat of Nox’s body a weight against Luca’s skin.

“Then don’t.”

Nox rolled up his lips with a snarl.

“I’m not afraid of you or it. I’m here. I want to be here. I want to be with you.” Luca brushed a hand over Nox’s cheek. He whipped his head around and snapped his teeth, grazing Luca’s fingertips.

He didn’t flinch.

Nox flared his nostrils and lowered his head. His breaths came and went in quick succession. He huffed a line to Luca’s throat. There Nox drew a wet line all the way to the soft spot behind Luca’s ear. “You taste good.”

What would it be like to be fucked by this man? To feel the strength of the Anubis plowing into his body. Hands on his skin, gripping him tighter as Nox pistoned his hips.

Nox hummed. “Now you taste even better.” He nipped his way to Luca’s mouth and darted his tongue between Luca’s parted lips. Spice bled from Nox, mixing cinnamon and fall leaves with the headier male musk of his natural scent.

Luca tipped his head up, wanting more.

Nox pressed his body closer. His cock rubbed against Luca’s where it jutted from the slit in his boxers. Pleasure crackled up Luca’s legs and spread in his stomach. He panted and gripped Nox’s shoulders, pulling himself up and claiming Nox’s mouth.

There was a moment where Nox hesitated; then he descended, ripping Luca’s shirt from collar to hem. Nox raked his teeth over Luca’s chest to his navel, then retraced the path with his tongue. Luca cried out, lifting his hips, desperately seeking friction.

There was too much in the way. Luca pushed at his boxers but couldn’t get them past his hips. Nox grabbed the waist and yanked. Elastic bit into Luca’s hip and the fabric knotted together on the way down to his ankles.

Nox alternated his tongue and teeth against Luca’s skin, sliding back up to Luca’s cock.

“Oh, God.” Luca tangled his hand in Nox’s hair as he ran his tongue up the length. The rush of pleasure knocked the breath from Luca. Ropes of cum splashed on his stomach and Nox’s chin.

He purred as he licked away the remnants of Luca’s release while watching him with a feral expression. When the sticky mess was gone, Nox slid back up Luca’s body and pushed his tongue into Luca’s mouth, feeding him the bitter flavor.

Luca wrapped his arms around Nox’s neck when he started to pull away. “I want to do that to you.” Luca doubted he’d make Nox come as quickly or at all, but he wanted to try.

“Not right now.” Nox straddled Luca’s hips and pushed Luca’s hold off of him.

“What are you—” Luca was flipped onto his stomach. Before he could get up on his elbows, Nox pinned him with the weight of his body. Nox bit the back of Luca’s neck, making him cry out. Again, on his shoulder, then the other. Despite the sharp stab of pain, Nox didn’t break Luca’s skin. “Nox…” Luca panted as Nox nuzzled the back of his neck. Then he shifted, and his heavy cock slid along Luca’s ass crack.

Lubricant. It was in the duffle bag. While Luca wanted Nox to fuck him, he’d never take the man’s cock without being slicked up. Luca strained to reach the duffle bag handles. His fingers brushed the strap.

Nox rolled to his side, taking Luca with him, pinning him in place with his powerful arms. The fat length of his cock pushed between Luca’s thighs. Precum left a sticky trail, and the flared head bumped Luca’s balls.