The young man returned his attention to the screen.

“You folks want anything to drink?” Bob, the owner of the bar, still wore the same disgusted expression he’d had when he first drove up meeting Harrington and Reese at the door.

Reese decided it was probably permanent and nothing personal.

“No, thanks,” Reese said.

“He’ll take a water.” The colonel narrowed his eyes. “You’re supposed to stay hydrated, remember?”

“Yeah, sure. A water, please.”

Bob retreated to the back.

“He spits in my drink, it’s your fault.” Hopefully, if Bob was in a vengeful mood, the only thing he did was spit in it.

“Who’s that?” The colonel indicated the screen with a tip of his chin.

Private Todd enlarged the picture. With a few taps on the keyboard, the mosaic image sharpened enough to bring some detail to the features of the man’s face.

“That’s him. That’s Nash Kelli.”

“The same one who killed Koda?”

“Yeah.” Reese pinched the bridge of his nose for a moment.

The colonel watched him.

“I’m fine.”

The man didn’t stop.

“I swear. Just tired.”

Bob reappeared with Reese’s water and proceeded to peer over the private’s shoulder.

The colonel glared.

“Uh, if you need anything else, water, coffee….”

“Leave.” The colonel’s tone left no room for discussion.

Bob dropped his gaze and shuffled away.

To Reese, the colonel said, “I don’t suppose you know why Nash might be traveling with Koda’s brother?”

Protect Luca.

Reese shook his head, then nodded. “Koda sent him.”

“You sound awfully sure.”

“I am.”

There was something in the man’s expression that said he wanted a reason. But Private Todd said Reese’s name.

“I’ve got the exposure adjusted.” Now Nash’s form showed in stark contrast to the shadows. “You ready for me to run it?”

“Yeah, but can you slow it down?” Reese pushed his glasses higher up on his nose.