“Yes.” Luca held Nox tighter. His cock a hard line behind his jeans.

Nox slid his hands under Luca’s clothes, and his skin tingled. He gasped, and Nox pushed his knee between Luca’s legs.

“We need to go.” Even as Nox said it, his touch glided inside Luca’s sweat pants. “We need to….”

They did but Luca couldn’t get his arms to open up.

“Tell me what you want, Luca, and I’ll give it to you.” Nox wrapped his fingers around Luca’s cock, and he whimpered.

This. Luca wanted forever. A forever of sunrises and sunsets. Forever for Nox to touch him, kiss him, bury that beautiful cock in his ass.

Surely, forever was enough time to fall in love.

Tears pricked the corners of Luca’s eyes, and the air chilled the trails they left running down his cheeks. He was so grateful to have this moment, even if it was fleeting, and at the same time, he cursed the universe for its cruelty.

The first sob burst out of Luca, and he buried it against Nox’s neck. Then the rest pummeled his tired body and sucked the strength from his limbs.

One more reminder of how close the end was.

A gentle touch swept up and down Luca’s back, easing the ache in his ribs.

The worst of Luca’s crying tapered off leaving him with a stuffed-up nose and swollen eyes.

“I’m sorry.” Sorry Nox had to see him so weak and crying like a kid rather than owning it like a man.

“No.” Nox exhaled against Luca’s ear. “You have every reason to cry.”

If only Luca could argue, but he was just too tired.

Nox helped Luca to the Jeep. “I’ll grab our stuff, then we’ll go.”

“Can’t we just stay here?” Luca closed his eyes. “I’m tired, Nox. I’m just so damn tired.”

Nox pushed back Luca’s bangs, and he looked at him.

“I think I’m getting sicker.” And for a few days, he’d felt better than he could ever remember. Now it had caught up with him, and he was paying in triplicate. “Please, Nox. I just want to stay here.” This wouldn’t be a terrible place to die. Anywhere with Nox would be perfect.

Nox kissed Luca on the forehead. Against his skin, Nox said, “You’re not going to die.”

Before Luca could tell Nox he was wrong, he went inside the cabin. A few minutes later he came out with the sleeping bags and duffle. Nox loaded it into the back of the Jeep and added their meager supplies from the van.

Nox climbed in beside Luca. “Let’s get some breakfast.”

Luca did his best to hold a smile.

“How about pancakes? Or waffles?”

Luca nodded, even though he’d never be able to eat it. Nox started the jeep and pulled onto the gravel road. Somewhere between the cabin and the highway, Luca fell asleep.