Silken heat drew a line up Luca’s neck, followed by points of pain. Would Nox break the skin? Would Luca bleed?

A growl echoed through wherever Luca touched Nox’s body, and the teeth against his skin clamped harder.

The sharp pang only added to the turbulent bliss. Luca quit trying to move and let himself drown in the euphoric pleasure that was life. It seemed to be exactly what Nox wanted because he groaned.

Fog crept up the windows and, the chill in the air became relief from the stifling heat. Sweat matted down Luca’s bangs. Droplets of perspiration dripped from his chin.

Nox slowed in his movements but didn’t soften the impact. When he shifted his weight, every withdraw and reentry grazed Luca’s prostate, sending lightning up his spine.

He thrashed and yelled, twisting in Nox’s grip with no idea if he was trying to get away or get closer, only that the feeling of his approaching release erased everything else.

“Nox… Nox… please….” Luca clawed at the headrest. “Oh, please, please, please…” And what was he begging for? Because Nox already gave him everything. Nox quickened his pace again but kept the position. Luca had no idea something that felt so good could turn into a raging beast. His body tightened and his cock jumped. Ropes of cum coated the back of the seat. Nox roared against Luca’s back. The pulse of his cock and rush of his cum filling Luca a whole different pleasure.

Wind rocked the Jeep.

Nox dragged his touch down Luca’s body.

Their breaths evened out.

Still buried in Luca, tremors raced up and down Nox’s frame.

The air in the Jeep cooled, going from pleasant to uncomfortable. Nox still held Luca in place, but with only one hand on his hip while petting him with the other. Up and down his back, his chest to his flaccid cock. After a very long time, Nox released Luca, sliding free of his hole. Luca lay there on the seat, his muscles aching, his heart still pounding, but saturated in a pleasant high. He was so boneless, he couldn’t even help as Nox used a towel to clean up the mess on the upholstery and back of Luca’s legs.

Nox dressed Luca and covered him with his coat.

Only then did the man fix his clothes and return to the driver’s seat. “I’ll find a place to park. Go ahead and nap. An hour or two difference won’t matter.”

Luca couldn’t have argued if he wanted to.


The winding driveway ended in front of a cedar log home with tall triangular windows. Gold light spilled out on the front deck, and Stravinsky’s “Firebird Suite” drifted into the night. The picturesque house broke apart under the sprinkling of rain droplets running down the windshield.

Thunder joined the symphony.

Nox parked beside a Mercedes and cut the engine on the Jeep.

Luca finished dressing. “Is this it?”

“According to the address.”

Luca leaned forward. Light from the window played across his skin. The circles under his eyes were gone and color filled his cheeks.

“Wow, this is nice.”

It was a nice place. Really nice. “I guess domestic terrorism pays well.”

“He probably made money off patents.”

Nox furrowed his brow. “Patents?”

“Yeah. After he got out of jail, he apparently worked for a GMO company. On the side, he patented a machine that could help with gene splicing.” Luca pushed his feet into his shoes. “There was a bunch of other stuff in the article, but I had no idea what it referred to.”

Whatever it was, it had obviously taken Dr. Markus from the seedy corners of blowing up labs to a chalet in the mountains.

Luca said something that Nox missed. “Huh?”

“I said they sued him.”