He choked on his shout and scrambled to his knees. Ground showed between the creature’s head and its body. Strings of flesh kept them connected. Its spine jutted from the gouge in its back.

Ichor and blood covered Reese’s hand, he wiped it on his shirt.

He stumbled to his feet.

Slices of silver carved out the curve and slope of muscle protruding from a hole in the rocky hill. Reese inched closer. The rest of the form emerged from patches of darkness. Exhales drifted into the night as pale clouds disappeared in the warming air. Heat radiating from the body drew sweat from Reese’s skin.

Human beings did not create that kind of energy.

Dirt and blood outlined the webbing of scar tissue on the man’s shoulder.

Nash Kelli.

Through the gap between him and the back of the burrow curled a smaller figure. Nash cradled Luca in the cage of his powerful arms. Luca’s leg folded over Nash’s hip, putting him in a horizontal straddle. It was a scene Reese had witnessed many times between Alpha and beta.

Their bodies joined, their breathing synchronized, even the REM movement of their eyes would match.

It often made Reese wonder if they shared the same dreams. If they did, what did they dream?

Now what did Reese do? He couldn’t call for help: the colonel had made it clear this was not a recovery mission. Harrington’s men would kill him with little effort. Whatever had happened to cause Nash to enter this suspended sleep could last minutes or days depending on how drained he was.

Waking Nash would be difficult. Reese could do it, but it was dangerous. Waking up a beta protecting an Alpha resulted in instant aggression. And there was a very good chance Nash would kill him.

And if Reese didn’t?

He had to try.


A hand closed over Reese’s mouth. Strong arms pinned his limbs to his side bracing him against the nude muscled wall at his back. “Sorry, Dr. Dante. This party’s invitation only and your army friends aren’t invited.”