“Please,” Nox said. No secret was worth more than Luca’s wellbeing. “Please just tell him.”

The bitter flavor of pain replaced the sour taste of Reese’s lie. “I know Koda ordered Nash because otherwise, he would have never been able to kill him.”

Nash didn’t remember walking out of the cell with his team. One moment he’d been playing cards, the next standing in front of Koda.

His Alpha smiled, but the sadness in his eyes eclipsed any joy.

They were alone in the containment room. Koda had never been allowed out of his cell at the same time as the betas. The scientists there knew as long as Koda couldn’t leave, the betas wouldn’t.

And if they disobeyed orders, their time with Koda would be stripped.

So none of them so much as growled at a guard even when the guards manhandled them.

Wisely, that was something the guards didn’t dare do to Koda.

But there were no guards now. No one to open the doors, but they’d unlocked.

“What’s going on?” Nox’s question was repeated in one way or another among his team. Through uneasy looks, whispers, or a brush of hands.

Koda stepped up to Nox and laid his hands on his chest.

The others fell still, their faces going blank, their voices silenced. Liquid night welled to the surface of their skin and slithered down their bodies to the floor. There it snaked across the ground to Koda s feet. As soon as it touched him, his skin drank it away.

In a single movement, Nox’s team dropped to the floor. Their eyes remained opened, but they stared at nothing.

Before Koda spoke, Nox knew what he would say.

And there was only one answer. “No.”

A tear rolled down Koda’s cheek. “You know this has to be done.”

Nox shook his head. “No. I won’t.”

Koda sighed and pressed closer, resting his cheek on Nox’s chest. “I’m sorry to burden you, but if I don’t, then they’ll find Luca and they’ll kill him.”

Nox had the strangest feeling Koda didn’t mean in body.

And time in the military had taught Nox all the ways a man could die and still have a heartbeat.

“You’ll need him. They’ll need him.” Koda’s exhale tickled the hairs on Nox’s chest.

“We need you.” He was all Nox needed. Koda was all the team needed.

Koda lifted his head. “The only one you’ve ever needed was him. One day you’ll understand, Nash, I promise.”


Koda placed a finger over Nox’s lips. Just a featherlight touch, but it crushed his will.

“I’m trusting you with my brother’s life. You are the only one I would ever trust. You are the only one strong enough to carry my trust. You will find Luca, and you will protect him like you would me.” Koda placed a kiss on Nox’s cheek, then stepped back. And while still wearing that soft smile Koda said, “Now kill me, Nash, that’s an order.”


Reese had hoped his statement would remain words Nash could convince himself weren’t true.

Instead, Reese could only watch as confusion, disbelief, and horror played over Nash Kelli’s face.

Nash took a few steps back before his knees buckled, leaving him slumped against the wall separating the two cells. Tears ran rivers down his cheeks, and he struggled to pull in the smallest breath.