Reese cleared his throat.

“Oh, sorry.”

Yeah right.

“How often are you supposed to do this?”

“Every few hours.” The nurse pumped up the cuff and placed the stethoscope in the crook of Reese’s arm. Again, the guy wound up watching the colonel.

Reese tapped the nurse on the arm and crooked his finger.

The guy removed the earpieces and leaned closer.

“He’s married.” Reese nodded in the direction of Harrington.

“The good ones always are, eh?”

“Not to mention old enough to be your great-grandfather.”

The nurse grinned. “And those are always the best.” He popped the earpieces back in and returned to taking Reese’s blood pressure, temp, and anything else he could to remain in the room.

Without looking up from his book, the colonel said, “Dr. Linden have those results back yet or do I need to have her patient relocated to a military hospital where people don’t move so slow?”

The nurse’s smile wavered. “I’ll make sure to ask.”

Harrington grunted. “You do that. Now.”

The nurse sighed. But in a way that suggested infatuation. He grabbed his cart and headed to the door. As he backed out, he mouthed.“You’re so lucky.”

The door shut.

“I think you have a fan.” Reese tried not to laugh.

“Yeah, and he keeps staring at my ass.”

“I was wondering why you sat down.”

Harrington put the book back over the arm and stood. “Well, he’d better get that doctor in here.” He returned to the side of the bed.

“Or what? You’ll put him over your knee.”

“Well, I am old enough to be his great-grandfather.” Harrington’s eyes twinkled.

“Sorry.” Reese sank lower on the bed. “I meant great-great-grandfather.”

The colonel glared.

Another knock and the room door opened again. The woman couldn’t have weighed a hundred pounds soaking wet, yet she carried herself with all the strength of a mountain. “Well, look at who’s awake.”

“About time you got here.” Harrington crossed his arms.

“Is your dad this friendly to everyone?”

Reese choked. “Um, no. I mean we’re not related.”

“When can he be moved to Saint Michael’s in the states for surgery?”

To Reese, Dr. Linden said, “He never says hello, thank you, or hope you’re having a nice day. He’s giving you Americans a bad reputation.”